Chapter 27

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The rest of the day went by quite quickly. Avoiding any and all familiar faces like Amelia, Jason and Jake were an easy feat as I didn't share any of my classes with them.

The classes were boring nonetheless. I didn't bother listening to them. Silently hacking into the nearby students' and teachers phones was fun though. You would never guess some of the things I found in some of the boys' phones. I don't think I will ever forget that.

Anyway, now it's lunch time and I am walking to the cafeteria when the last person I want to meet catches up to me.

"Hey Zar-Zar, I noticed you were acting really strange today you know." He said.

Oh did he? Good for him.

I just rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"Not that you are never strange but today, you were especially so." He continued.

"And I heard Amelia returned. This must be so much fun for you."

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. He stopped to stare at me too.

I can't judge whether he is just being innocent or actually trying to get a reaction out of me. Not everyone may be as they look outside.

Jason just stared back at me with wide eyes and raised eye brows. I guess I will never know.

I just turned and started walking again.

"You know, you are extremely quiet. Like, a woman of few words is an understatement for you. It is not only when we have an argument you are just generally quite aren't you?" he asked, running up to me,

What can I say? I don't waste my voice on unnecessary things. Must be boring for you to read about a character who doesn't speak as much as the average teen. I hope at least my thoughts keep you entertained.

The hallway drowned with students and Jason kept quiet thereafter. We weaved through the thick forest of teenagers, some shouting, some laughing some having fist fights and some even kissing.

But we finally made it to the cafeteria. Jason walked past me to stand in the line, while I looked at the scene before me. Unruly werewolves sitting and making noise and generally putting up a lot of chaos among neatly arranged tables.

There were still divisions of popular and wears and all the other groups I noticed when I first came in. the social status and the circles a person runs in is most clear here. All the masks of society put on so tight. Some even forget to be themselves. But this is teen drama. And it really is the least of it.

For some reason, the scene is nostalgic to me.

The elite group, aka Blaze and Jem are sharing the jocks' and cheerleaders' table. Blaze and Jem are having a fun quarrel with each other. He is restraining her on his lap and pouring mustard all over her hair while she is trying to squirt sauce all over him.

Everyone's eyes are on them. On the happy, golden couple. It is what used to make it worse for me. They made it almost impossible to ignore them. They had to rub it in my face every chance they got.

I sighed, remembering the days I used to mull over it, cry over it. My mate with someone else. It used to destroy me inside bit by bit. It never gave me a chance at happiness. But it is because of the pain that I became what I am today.

And let me make it clear, I don't regret it one bit. I never had a shot at being happy or be at peace with Zian. But it allows us to pursue something far greater than a future with my mate- a family, kids, being a Luna, a mom, a faithful wife.

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