Chapter One

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In the midst of Michigan, spring was upon us. The sun shined bright through the windows, the birds made noises that came through the house, and the snow was finally gone! I would tend to notice these things between watches of my favorite YouTube channel. I sit back and wait for it to load on the Xbox360 in the living room. The app loads finally and I immediately check "Game Grumps" for a new episode. I'm in luck, and feel slightly guilty for starting to notice their upload times. I'm sure they personally would find it creepy in all reality, but with the guilt slipping away, I tune in full attention.

"Hey I'm Grump!" the theme song starts, "I'm not so Gru-u-u-mp!" I smile every time, "A-a-a-nd we're the Game Grumps!" I rock back in my recliner and kick up my feet. The episode begins with a warm welcome from Danny that is not long ruined by a hilarious joke by Arin. I laugh all the time at the banter that continues on from the one-liners that seem to pour out from the two hosts.

"So Arin, what say we cue the "Lovelies" in on a little secret?" Danny pipes up, and I could not be more focused on the episode.

"I wanna know the secret!" I shout to my TV screen. Arin teases that he knows nothing of a secret and plays it off naturally as Danny coaxes him to be the one to spill the beans.

"Okay so maybe I know ONE t-i-i-i-ny secret, Dan." Arin says this in a small voice that could fit a mouse.

"Go on!" Danny says obviously being playful back and sets Arin up for a reveal. I find myself rocking impatiently as Arin stalls one last time.

"Well maybe we have been contacted, and maybe since we are known at conventions, maybe we have been asked to participate in a documentary of how we go through those moments that the fans don't get to see!" Arin giggles as Danny pretends to be shocked by exaggerating a gasp.

"Do you mean Arin, what I think you mean?" Danny plays into the hovering suspense. Meanwhile, I am losing my mind and awaiting further discussion to continue.

"Maybe!" Arin is laughing harder, "Guys I wish I could show you Dan's anxious face, dude you look like its fucking Christmas right now!" Danny must have broken his concentration on making it last because he starts laughing with Arin and adds in, "Actually it's more like the face I make when I don't have to set an alarm, which does feel like fucking Christmas." Both guys laugh for a moment and discuss their lives in terms of sleeping schedules.

"Dude, have you ever like, panicked yourself awake, rushed to get ready, and then finally after the heart attack of getting ready cause your adrenaline screams you're late, you look at the time and it's like three hours before you even have to wake up?" Danny steers further from the subject of their documentary and Arin seems to follow.

"I may have, but I seriously do not recall, man." Arin responds in a more sorry to disappoint tone. Danny continues to describe the feeling,

"Arin, it is like a fire drill that you were not prepared for, and you're the only one participating, and there is no alarm, and oh yeah and you're stumbling around the house hating yourself!" Danny laughs and I picture him shaking his head as he states it being the worst. Arin meanwhile, continues on the level of the featured game in the video and agrees if he knew the feeling. After some more banter about Arin's skills being under what he boasted in the first episode, Danny either was reminded by someone off mic or remembered back to the original big news.

"Okay, so sorry guys, Arin we totally got off track there man, sorry, my fault my fault, haha!" Danny tries to take blame, "We really are going to be doing a sort of, what is it, behind the scenes almost?" He waits for Arin to further explain, but it takes him a moment due to the game being his goal for the moment.

"Oh yeah, okay so Dan's sorta right," Dan chuckles and thanks him, Arin continues, "We do have a chance to share our preparations from leaving to the conventions to coming back from and explaining our experience? I guess?" Arin trailed off and Dan took over.

"Okay yeah, that adds in a tad more than what I could offer. Basically it is our journey to panels and then post-panels. I wonder how they are going to go about it though, I mean because, there is like what?" Danny counts quietly, "Five? People that are a part of this show and the sub-shows, and they want either a group opinion or how would you do that with five different people? I mean they aren't gonna want individual footage, that would be a shit ton of hours and we all have different things we tend to do when we go to these so-" Danny tried figuring it out out loud while Arin tried to help.

"I think they want it to be like a group-thing. They said they wanted our channel to participate and we said 'yeah cool, our fans love being involved' and now that you say that I do wonder it they'll do clips of all of us or-" Arin trailed off again and Danny took back the reigns.

"Okay fine, pretty much our secret for you "Lovelies" is that we will be coming out with a part in the series about conventions regarding YouTubers and it's gonna be different, and it's gonna be an adventure, definitely." Danny said in a finalizing tone. Arin agrees with him in the end and by the time they have explained it, Danny says "Next time on Fame Grumps!" Arin cuts in quickly and does a dramatic emotional speech thanking his "mad gaming skills" for his academy award. Danny is heard farther from the mic saying he would thank his mom whilst still laughing at Arin.

The video of the day ends and I am frozen in my chair. My head goes around and around and wonders if they'll be coming to Michigan for one of the conventions and bringing the film there as well. I get up and grab my laptop to check in on more info that maybe other sources provided, and sure enough some interesting details come into play. One page is the official production company who will be airing it on Netflix and they ask those whom are going to be at the locations listed below, to fill out forms of consent to show their faces when the final cut is premiered. Since there are so many of those people there the forms are not anything but a suggestion and a moment shown that they had been filmed.

I continue on to see what locations are included and sure enough sometime soon, being it closing the month of March, around July, there will be a panel for the Grumps at a Comic-Con.* I jump almost out of my seat and run to check my calendar that hangs in my kitchen. I mark the date and go back to my laptop and try to figure out my own personal details on how to get there, who to go with, and what in the world to wear. After all, there is a chance to meet these guys and be in a part possibly with them in a film. What could be better?

1. Hit or MissOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora