Chapter Five

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I eventually fell asleep, that early morning. I woke up to another alarm, now feeling like a confused zombie, I stumbled to get up. I felt like a slug, but I needed to be down to the center to check out different booths before the Grump panel. I laid my outfit out for the day and went to brush my teeth and prep myself. I almost made it passed the door to the bathroom when I saw something underneath the room door. I wondered if I had missed it last night, or it had just got there before I woke up. Crouching down to pick it up I noticed it was a note folded up in an envelope. I raised an eyebrow at it almost as if it were going to just tell me what it said before I slipped my finger under the flap and opened it. It read:


I'm super sorry last night that I awkwardly came to your door like a creep. (I promise this is not what it looks like.) I got to my rental and thought your sketch was adorable and it dawned on me that I totally think we could bond as friends. Not to make assumptions but you totally seem pretty rad and I was coming last night (after asking the desk lady nicely to give me your room number cause I wanted to "return something to you") to invite you out for lunch after the chaos of this convention was over, but it was late and I punked out when I heard you at the door. I know this is putting a shit load of trust in you that you wouldn't sell it over the internet, but here is my number. If you'd like to text me on the thought of what I originally set out to ask feel free! I'd still be down, just hopefully under better terms then me almost running you over again, haha jk? Anywho, sorry for the "Next Bestseller" hope you have fun at the convention today! Come say hey! Arin wants to meet you as well as the rest of the others.

Please don't let me down and give my number out,
Hope to hear from ya soon,
Peasant Sexbang, or Danny, whatever you prefer! Haha!

I almost felt my legs give out as I read the number off to myself while I added him to my contacts. Dan was interested in hanging out? How was that going to work? How did only two run-ins cause his opinion to even go to that point? I felt as if I needed to re-write his letter and add these questions in. I had no idea what to even say in a text to him. Would he respond? Why in the world also did his friends suddenly want to meet me? Maybe they felt the need to see whom he was constantly "abusing" while attending this convention. I laughed to myself over the thought of him explaining why he was late twice. How he had almost got in an accident with some girl who talked to him about treating him like a normal guy then not even scolding him. Then he runs into same girl and she lets him off again. Still made no sense to how that even caused the spark of interest in being friends.

I folded the letter and slipped it into my pocket and felt a weight growing in my stomach. I was going to have to focus on not running for their table or booth just to say hi. I stared back at my phone in my other hand and gulped. I typed in "hello Dan, this is [Y/N], I got your letter!" and hit send. I almost wanted to throw my phone because of how nervous I was that it would go off and this was all a huge prank. I slipped it into my jeans pocket after I got changed and tied my hoodie around my waist. Last convention I had been to the air conditioner made the place really cold and I was not going to meet these guys with chattering teeth and frostbite.

I grabbed my gift bag for them and letters and placed them back in my truck. While climbing in I glanced over to see the rental gone and I assumed he was there already. I made my way over to the con and took a deep breath before stepping out of my vehicle. This was a strange thing to feel, and it became even odder when my pocket vibrated from my phone. I pulled it out to see I had a text message. I tapped the screen and almost dropped my phone. He was really texting back, this was no prank. The message said:

Hey! Awesome! So, we are on the left side in the back corner. That is if you planned on still attending that date of ours, haha! I totally understand if you think I am now the weird one and not you whom claimed to be a fan that "could" have kidnapped me! Thanks for texting me by the way, I honestly believed you probably thought someone was fucking around. I promise it's me though! See you in a bit, I hope? :D

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