Chapter Fifty-Nine

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"Holy shit! So many places and people!" I almost hopped out of Dan's arms as I heard Dan chuckle.

"Ya know, it could be like a ton of butts in those seats hun!" Dan I heard laugh behind me then. Arin and Ross were adjusting just like for halo, a ton of places to sit. Barry was in his own recliner I saw when he waved from across the room. Mark was on a chair not too far from Barry laughing with Holly over her shirt. Something about it being fan-made and adorable was mentioned as I continued to scan the room. Suzy was on the one end of the comfier sectional. She had a few remotes and her phone next to her. She looked me up and down as I went to go hug her.

"Hey guys!" She squeezed me tightly before hugging Dan the same.

"Dude, how in the hell did everyone get over here so fast?!" Dan asked nodding to the rest of the room. Suzy laughed looking just as curious.

"Arin and I got back and everyone was calling us asking if there were any plans after that session you guys did earlier, and Arin and I were like explaining just movie night!" Suzy shrugged. I looked around and wondered where we were going to plant ourselves.

"Yo! Daniel! Come here, Ross is being lame and can't lift this to make room!" Arin yelled from across the basement. I looked over as Dan strode over to help. Suzy tugged at me to sit with her and I smiled taking her offer.

"Before I ask what has been bugging me to ask I gotta say, I like the pajamas you're sporting!" Suzy pointed to the guitar hero pajama pants and Def Leppard shirt I had on. I chuckled and thanked her. "Okay, now then, since those two mother hens are all busy, how do you honestly feel if you ever had to come face to face with Dan's proposal?" Suzy smiled wide with me as I blushed. I shook my head slow and looked down to my lap. I had automatically tucked my feet under myself as soon as the question came out. I looked to her from the side still smiling after finding my answer.

"I think, I think I'd be more shocked he actually did it, than the action of saying yes?" I sounded so weird personally, but she let me go on, "I mean Suzy," I gestured to Dan giggling as Ross barely held the end Dan muscled up on the loveseat, "he has shocked the crap out of me with how well he has been with having a girlfriend. Not even like, me in general, ya know? I mean yes sure, it's still the newer part, but even being away and not with him for those three months, I can still see him want to willingly be a part of this. It's really not just me in it. We both want the other." I hadn't realized her reaction to my deeper thinking. I usually only spoke barely like that with Dan. Suzy nodded slow taking in the idea that I laid on the conversation table.

"Wow, that's um, not usually what you hear huh?" Suzy smiled at me. Her warmness just from her caring personality alone was addicting. I found it always hard to be bummed around her from the short time I have known her. "You and Danny really blow me away. Most guys, nuh-uh," Suzy shook her head at her thought, "they'd break by now and run for it." I shrugged and looked over to see two eyes watching me. They were indeed with wonder but that familiar gorgeous brown. I looked back to Suzy blushing again just in time to see her silently laugh at me.

"Oh, god, every time he does that, and I catch it, I catch butterflies!" I quietly squealed. Suzy's eyes were bright with understanding as she glanced over to Dan I assumed by her next comment.

"He does too, trust me, him and Arin are like so bashful when it comes to certain things or people." She giggled with me. I sighed after a moment remembering something that I knew I could only ask her or Barry.

"Hey um, he won't exactly tell me, and by all means if you won't either I'm okay, but why does Dan like seem to pull away when someone calls him Leigh?" I looked back down at my lap while Suzy thought.

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