Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty-One

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Suzy and I shook our heads as we watched Mark almost gallop into the hall before letting the doors shut. I heard Danny on a mic yelling 'OH FUCK' then his famous giggle rang in right after over the system. I looked over to Suzy whom had a huge grin pointed my way as we made a turn around a corner to a set of doors that lead to almost a widened hallway.

"What?" I asked looking at her still. Suzy had a look in her yes like she knew something I hadn't picked up on. When she shook her head, her longer black hair revealed the blonde streak her and Arin shared as a hair style. I stepped in front of her when she snickered still not telling me and folded my arms. "Come on, what is it?" I asked tilting my head with a smirk.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Suzy couldn't hold back a laugh and I sighed rolling my eyes. Suzy cracked up shaking her head more when she noticed I wasn't letting her take me to wherever until I knew. "Alright! Geeze! I was admiring how much you and Dan both just can't help but smile whenever one of you either says something, does something, or just even looks a certain way! Honestly it's cute as hell!" Suzy gushed over Dan and I. She was always one not to really tease me over it, but more so encourage things to go on.

"It's just a thing we can't help apparently! Like him being able to do his thing and get up there makes me happy for him. I could never ask him to do either or no matter what. Truly, if I could possibly speak for him, I'm sure he'd find that a top quality. Everyone wants that someone whom motivates you to keep going for your dreams, not try and change them along with the person you are!" I rambled on getting a little deep as Suzy had us traveling again. I cut myself off from further comments noticing the concrete walls looking similar to the ones that had been how Dan's dressing room nook seemed from his video shoot. We rounded one last turn and I saw the wider opening to my left being the stage's first half. Suzy tugged me to my right across from it into a small room.

"This is where we wait! If you haven't noticed, which you can hear them for sure now!" Suzy nodded to the stage and indeed so I heard Arin and Dan finishing out a song. "This is like their small waiting area I found out. So, welcome to backstage!" Suzy joked as she spread her arms advertising the small area. I sat down in the middle of the couch she had sat on as well. It was a grey-blue suede texture and I absolutely felt so comfortable. I noticed two sofa chairs angled in that looked like they matched. Then the walls were a simple white that was accented with small ticks in the paint. I wasn't sure if had been for show or just wear and tear from acts. The carpet was nice as well I noticed. It looked pretty new and I wondered if they had remodeled recently or I was just in really good lighting. Suzy shifted causing me to come back to just catching her open Instagram. She took a couple pictures before picking one.

"You know I've noticed you post a ton of hype videos for these guys. I bet they appreciate that." I mused on the thought. It was almost a week or so since I had made an appearance on my own channel and wondered if Dan would have minded me doing a small bit of his sound check.

"They do, well the guys do, fans eat it up, and even more when it's even reposted. I try and sort of have fun with it besides the underlying reason to let them see what we're doing, what's going on, keeping them involved somehow, ya know?" Suzy smiled with a shrug and I nodded understanding.

"Almost like the promoter but undercover deal eh?" I summed it up hearing Suzy snicker with a nod telling me it was pretty much it.

"Not that I find it 'work' or 'annoying' to do, but yeah that is it as well!" Suzy smiled with another shrug and I figured to ask her opinion on a small bit for my own sake.

"Hey Suze? Do you think Dan wouldn't mind me posting a small bit of his sound check for my channel would he? I mean I know it's not a usual thing? I just am weighing options here. It's been a week since my last update." I covered my mouth, but still unable to hide my sheepish expression. Suzy thought for a moment and then snapped her fingers.

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