Chapter Seventy-Nine

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"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed as Arin clipped my head. The sniper noise of it reloading had my ears hypersensitive to Arin's screen. Dan held back a chuckle as Arin and I seemed to keep meeting in the middle. I glanced over to reach for my glass and downed the rest not paying attention. Dan followed suit and smacked his lips at the taste.

"FUCK!" Dan I suddenly heard scream. Suzy this time was giggling up a storm as I saw her trek across the map probably after shooting Dan. Arin high fived her and even drank the rest of his. I headed to the shotgun in the map and saw a blip.

"Come on, Little One, shall we tango, s'more?" Arin taunted and I knew he was the blip. I ran for the gun still, since I was almost there, when a bullet made entrails passed my head.

"Dude you already fooled me once! Not gonna happen Mr. Noscope!" I giggled probably more from the wine than the taunt. I deep down was mad that Dan and I were unable to catch up, but I kept giggling. Dan chuckled to himself and I glanced to see him looking to me.

"Let me guess, you wanna know, don't chu?" Dan's words slurred at the end and I blinked at him.

"I can guess, just keep looking for them!" I said sternly. Dan chuckled again but nodded. Arin I saw sneaking to grab plasma grenades in the fort on one end of the map. I zoned in on where he'd come out at seeing I had the BR. Arin's head poked out and I patiently waited.

"Someone is like way to fuckin' quiet over there to be just hunting for someone." Arin hinted to me. I huffed and remained still. He was not going to drag me out.

"I can see her!" Suzy shouted intensely. I spun to see how and Arin I barely caught making a break for it.

"FUCK YOU HANSON!" I screamed as I popped a round or two into him. Arin threw the controller down and looked to all our empty glasses.

"Fuck you! Is there any more of that crap left?" Arin looked to Dan and I watched Dan get up and grab the bottle.

"Dudes, we got like one more round!" Dan yelled from the kitchen. Which in spite, he didn't have to. Literally the place wasn't a mansion. Dan and Arin brought back out the sets of glasses and I was handed one. I paid not mind to it though and set it down and grabbed the controller back up.

"Oh come on man!" Arin whined as he stumbled back over to sit on the floor with his glass. He took another drink and scrambled to get his controller from the table. He had set it too far from him and I giggled trying to race to grab a dirty kill. I lined up my sights with him and Arin whined trying to get settled again.

"Three!" I started counting down and I watched Arin down the glass and throw it on the table. Dan inhaled with slight worry and I nudged him to hush.

"Don't, stop wait!" Arin looked around and I continued.

"Two, cause Arin is slowww!!" I yelled tauntingly. Arin growled then and I saw him still looking but not moving.

"No, no, no, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, YOU SON OF A-" Arin started up raging again and I pulled the trigger. The headshot icon popped up on my sceen and Arin's character was down.

"One." I said sadistically more calm. Suzy was cracking up with Dan, as I watched Arin slowly turn to face me.

"Dirty, little, whor-" Arin started to slowly say and Dan stopped him.

"HEY whoa, big guy! Maybe we should all just pop in a movie, okay? Arin wins!" Dan shrugged and Arin blinked from me to Dan. I looked at Dan as well and scoffed.

"Why does he win?" I asked, slowly feeling warmer than I had noticed. Dan downed his glass and sighed.

"Because he's my buddy! And guest rules?" Dan looked nervous that he didn't say I won. I smiled just kidding and noticed Arin was definitely not feeling so hot. He had flushed cheeks and was zoning out. Suzy blinked at him and back to us. She gave us a look as if asking what to do and I looked to Dan who would know how to handle it better. Dan sighed quietly and stood up.

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