Chapter One-Hundred

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Morning came faster and I once again was becoming aware that Dan's trick still worked. I let my eyes blink open before rubbing them. Sleep was all over it felt like and it was a wonder how it didn't just glue my eyes shut. After dusting the particles off of me I looked over to see my phone had been plugged in and charging for me on my side's nightstand. I reached over and hit the lock button to see it was only eight in the morning. I made a face to myself that I was sort of annoyed with my internal alarm. Sleep was nice when had, but it seemed subconsciously I had already gotten plenty.

I had set my phone back down and turned over as smoothly as I could to see a mess of hair and a bare back facing me. His breathing was too shallow for him to be even slightly alive and I smiled once again getting the rare chance to enjoy him at complete ease. His small hum that indicated he was only dreaming came through after a moment and I covered my mouth trying to silence the small amused giggle that tried to build up inside me.

I sat up for a moment trying to get my surroundings in order. Yes I was aware I was in our room, in our bed, but I took a mental note of where my stuff was placed just by observing from the bed. I got lost almost into the details when I felt Dan shift. My head snapped to him and noticed in a rare moment he was on his back. His left arm fell over his face while his right draped over his stomach. I blinked at him just looking him over again and smiled to myself. His fuzzy chest along with the rest of him was exposed and I for some off reason found it cute that he sighed getting comfortable again.

I kept working my way down after remembering to get a mental snapshot of his sleepy face when something caught my attention. I skipped over his stomach and saw someone had decided to go camping because a tent was indeed being pitched. I looked from Dan's face to his peaking boxers letting my gears turn. I felt my own dark smile turn at the edges of my mouth as I decided to just go for it. I gently shifted down the mattress and made sure to stop if Dan flinched in his sleep so I didn't wake him.

I placed my hand slowly over his leg that was straight out and moved my knee the same as well. I then gently crawled to hover over Excalibur whom was barely covered and slowly slipped the fabric to the side letting him reveal himself through the hole. Dan inhaled a sigh but luckily remained asleep to my advantage.

With balance and excellent ninja skills, I gently stroked Danny seeing if he was sensitive to it in his dreams. When I saw his breathing quicken just a little I felt a small ping of excitement in my own pit that I was going to probably wake him up in one of the best ways ever. I looked back to see that Dan was indeed responding even if he was fast asleep.

His skin was soft and tender. I just sat there mesmerized for a second. His length expanded a little more and I felt him twitch under my palm. It was soon after a small hint of precum glistened on his tip. I breathed out silently and slowly made my move. I gently sucked on his head starting him off slowly. I wanted this to last for a moment just could savor the thought of pleasing him. It had been a moment since I tended just to him without a reason except that I just simply wanted to.

I sucked down a little further tasting him more. His pulsing that I could feel on my tongue was beating steadily. I came back up and down a little more just getting lost in the act. Danny was indeed expanding as I went telling me that I was working him to full capacity. I let my eyes shut and sucking become a little more apparent as the noises from the suctioning started to echo.

I finally dipped my head down after a few more times of just bobbing my head. I let my throat relax and felt Dan all the way to the hilt. I was on the second time down when I caught wind of a soft moan rise into the air above me. I smiled in my head liking I was on the right track as I let my tongue swirl down again taking him back down my throat a third time. When I came back up a more helpless, and solid sounding, plead rang out again.

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