Chapter Sixty

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"NI! NI!" Arin and I chirped like the knights in the movie. It was always a part I knew I loved and when Arin began reciting it I cracked up. Suzy was giggling at us just being goofy together. Barry had sung the "Knights of the Round Table" song with us as well earlier. It involved us doing some of the dance number along with it. Dan and Mark remained in place during the movie still, but had joined in on certain scenes. Dan explained the coconuts in the beginning followed with Mark playing as the French. Everyone knew a part that had been their personal favorite and had no problem reciting it.

"Alright I need a Pepsi, or somethin', anyone want anything?" Dan stood up with a stretch.

"Grab me some more popcorn, Danny?" Suzy held out an empty bowl with a smile. Dan nodded and took it from her. He brushed passed me and I grabbed for his hand. Dan I felt jerk then walk back to wait for me to say something.

"What can I get you, beautiful?" he asked with a warm smile. I let go of his hand and reached up to tug him down to me. His smile grew wider before pecking my lips happily. "I love you baby." Dan whispered softly still down to my level. "You wanna come with me upstairs?" he asked. I shook my head after some thought.

"I'm alright, Dan, just wanted a kiss is all, love you too." I said just as quiet. Dan nodded and I heard Arin pipe up.

"Um, yeah, I'll have what she's having!" Arin pretended to be obnoxious. Dan giggled before rolling his eyes.

"Sorry man, one per customer!" Dan shrugged with a smile. Arin frowned for a moment then looked up with an idea.

"Can I just have a water then?" Arin asked more polite. Dan stood back up straighter with a nod.

"Sure, man! Um anyone else, just so it's one person, one trip sorta deal?" Dan offered again.

"Oh dude water sounds awesome!" Ross mused. Dan looked over and shrugged.

"I don't know Ross, usually makes me have to piss. But cool story." Dan chuckled sarcastically. Ross sighed and went to make a move to get it himself. "Calm down, dude, I got it. Geeze!" Dan sighed at him.

"Hey Dan can I have a tea?" Mark seemed to ask bashfully. Dan nodded then turned to Barry whom asked for a snack. I realized through the nice gesture Dan would be having his hands full. I slid off the couch as he made it to the stairs.

"Dan, you need more arms, so I'll come help!" I said cheerfully.

"Alrighty, thank you, [Y/N]!" Dan said with a smile. Arin hushed us as if we had been in a theater as we climbed to the main floor. I huffed playfully, making sure it came out louder, and watched Arin looked my way with a unamused face. It caused me to laugh and then Barry followed suit. Before we got to the landing Dan and I were giggling over the hushing war that had begun downstairs.

"Oh man, I love those guys!" Dan headed to the kitchen with me in tow still laughing. I nodded as we approached the dining table.

"I really like tonight." I said happily. Dan was grabbing the snack Barry requested before replying.

"Me too, hun. It's nice for everyone to just be here together isn't it?" Dan leaned against the counter that faced me. I smiled at him just taking him in. He was in his sweats from the very first time I had seen his room. His black Rush shirt fitted him nicely and it was interesting to see him without tennis shoes for this long. His hair wasn't as wild, but it was still poofy. He had this look on his face that seemed to match mine as we just took the other in. I felt my face get warm as we stood there in silence just staring at the other. Dan pushed off of the counter after another minute and grabbed my waist to pull me to him. I rested my head below his chest and wrapped my arms around him tight. We swayed there another moment in silence. I knew neither of us wanted to ruin the conversation being had even if no words were involved.

1. Hit or MissNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ