Chapter Seventy-Three

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I came back in the room to find Dan sitting on the end of the bed. He was in his sweats again just checking his phone quietly. I wandered over and pulled out a pair of actual pajama pants and threw them on. They had black, red, and grey plaid to them. The fleece was comfortable and I had decided to just leave my t-shirt as is. Dan looked up as I sighed in relief and tilted his head. He set his phone back on the speaker and rose up to places his arms around me. I laid my hands on his chest and rested my head between them. Dan leaned his head on mine without a word and swayed with me in his arms for a bit. His steady heartbeat and occasional swallow was all I heard.

I eventually pulled back slightly and we met the other's gaze. I blinked up to him and noticed he was just content looking at me. I whined a little just being needy, but didn't know what to say. Dan leaned down carefully and pressed his lips to mine. He remained on that level after pulling away and I felt while hearing him sigh. "Ready for bed officially?" he asked curious. I glanced passed his hair to the bed and nodded. Dan led me back to it and tucked me in. I watched his hips sway a little as he stepped over to turn out the light he had put on to see when he cleaned me off.

I blinked in the darkness and watched his tall figure slide into bed as well. I hadn't noticed he retrieved the big blanket he was attached to and threw it over him and I as well. I was under a smaller purple one but now with two it was cozier. Dan laid flat on his back and sighed for a moment. I reached for his hands and intertwined our fingers. Dan looked over to me and I heard him swallow again. I breathed out content just staring at his face in the slowly building morning light.

"I love you. That was, interesting, yet, enjoyable, honestly." I said quietly. Dan made an approving noise and I watched his head nod slowly.

"Well, that's good, I'll be honest I was terrified, but turned on." Dan's sheepish smile was barely visible, but I caught it. I chuckled to myself remembering he described his experience with the vibrator like that.

"So, was it better than the vibrating blow job?" I teased. Dan let a throaty chuckle ring from him and I heard his smile in his words.

"Babe, seriously, anything we experience together is going to register better in my head. So yes. It was. Oh and I love you as well!" Dan said cheerfully. He brought our hands to his lips and I smiled like his dopey, bashful, girlfriend again. He must have caught it because he did it again but left his lips close to do it again for a sec.

"Think we need to set an alarm?" I wondered out loud. Dan huffed and tried to get up but I held tightly to his hand. I didn't want him to move again. Even if we were laying apart oddly for once, I wanted him in bed. Dan almost maneuvered like it was an elastic back and shot himself back but rolled to me. His back was against my front and I giggled down to him.

"Well seeing as though I have been unsuccessful at totally agreeing to set an alarm, what supposedly are we to wake up to then?" Dan teased looking up at me over his shoulder. I hummed in thought and felt him snuggle back to me. I shrugged not really having an answer and a giggle from Dan caught my attention.

"What? I looked to him and smiled down to him again. Dan giggled again and waved for me to give him a second.

"I know why you like to sleep with me like this." He began to explain. I made confused noise and he continued. "I may be like a fucking tree, but being held is always nice isn't it? Laying here with you totally being big spoon is actually comfy. Like I could definitely sleep like this if you'd let me!" Dan's smile was in his tone and I giggled as he had. I petted his hair and kissed his temple earning a happier hum from him.

"We're so backwards sometimes, I sorta like that." I mused. Dan reached to have me hug his torso like he does to me. His long fingers laced through mine and he nestled his cheek into my arm he had as a pillow.

"Me too, babe. I like us, I love us, and I like our different. It's nice. Not many couples I think can do role switching unless like the girl is already ya know more dominant." Dan started rambling and I knew he was fighting sleeping first. I thought about it though and liked how he had the picture set.

"I think I can agree, and add in something. Like, Suzy and Arin, I know we use them as an example a shit-ton, but babe is it bad I see her with the upper hand sometimes?" I left the discussion open and Dan hummed in thought like always.

"Really, they kinda are like that. I mean Arin can ya know, be the husband and shit, but totally Suzy is a strong, amazing, independent individual, hun. It works with them because she is also like so down to earth that she doesn't necessarily fight for that position. Like if she is sick, she has no problem wanting to admit she just wants someone to take care of her. Which I think is awesome." Dan's explanation had me wondering if ironically, I was the needier one.

"Danny?" I had to know how he thought about it. Dan turned to me and looked up at me for once.

"What baby-girl?" Dan's eyes searched for anything that told him to be concerned. I smiled to him contently and he relaxed more.

"Do you think, that I'm the needier one between us?" I asked almost cringing. Dan furrowed his eyebrows and turned to face me fully. He went over something mentally and I waited patiently for once on his answer.

"I think we both like to be needy. I think both of us wanna be held, kissed, made loved to and do for the other. I think it's not either or sometimes either. Our bond, our like thing that is between us comes in whatever form needed depend on what the day holds. To be honest, I find it ideal. I mean for me? I need someone to want me, love on me, but also let me do it back. You, are indeed the best person for it! I could not ask for a better example of my personal perfection. I promise." Dan let the truth come out and I surprised by it. I hadn't noticed I was beaming over the fact that I was wrong, I was seen perfect to someone for the first time, and little or maybe not so little, but he was mine as well.

"Well then! Consider my worry extinguished. Damn baby, that was, really deep and just, wow." I couldn't stop my wonder at how he was able to just almost speak poetry. Dan rolled his eyes and pulled me closer to him.

"What's your head tell you?" Dan piped up after more snuggling. I sort of froze and blinked at his hair that was barely letting the rising sun slowly through. Dan shifted to watch me and I looked back down and figured to just say it.

"Before you said that, I was thinking I was just needy and you didn't mind. After you putting it into perspective? I can see it. I feel bad for not being so clever, but I agree if it helps? I mean geeze, for the first time we got to be officially alone, I cannot remember us having this much of a ball since our first date. Maybe I'm wrong but we do fine with people and without people around and I believe that is another great feature. Yeah sure, when it comes to work, I noticed from a second from the shoot, you do just fine balancing. I seemed to handle editing the first night okay. Sure it's not months from now, but I have to say again, you hit the nail on the head! We play, work, and love together!" I laughed with Dan whom held up a finger. I stopped and listened to his sudden thought with only a snicker escaping.

"We are adding on living together as well, remember this! Which I believe will be totally amazing! Though sadly that reminds me, we are still awake, and now the sun is as well." Dan turned to the brightening window and frowned. I caressed his cheek softly and he turned back to snuggle me. I for once in a rare moment kissed his forehead and watched a sleepy smile spread across his face. His eyes were gently closed while a hands carefully tickled my back to sooth me as well.

"I love you so much Danny. Nighty night." I whispered. Dan brushed fingers through my hair and with his eyes closed found my lips to softly kiss them.

"I love you more baby. Nighty-mornin'" Dan's sly smile knowing he could have started that argument again left silently. I brushed my own fingers through his hair while he pecked a kiss to my neck as we both sighed. Faintly we both giggled, and I felt Dan playfully scratch my back.

"We're dorks." I mumbled then feeling tired. Dan nodded silently as his breathing evened out. My own body drifted off with his as we fell asleep to birds chirping and a city coming alive.

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