Chapter Fifty-Eight

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My eyes were wide and I was shaking my head. The pounding noise of my pulse was echoing in my ears and I couldn't stop my mouth from falling open. I felt my hands trembling as I glanced again at Dan's position. He was kneeling on one knee and looking into my eyes searching them for something. He still had a hold of both my hands and remained quiet as I kept my eyes frozen on his face. All I could think of was not here, please not here, not now, you said it was too soon, we agreed it was too soon, but we also said, and you said-

"Baby? Hun? [Y/N]!" Dan snapped me out of my hectic ramble going on in my head after I heard him almost yell my name. I inhaled finally and blinked quickly to focus. "Breathe, beautiful. You look extremely freaked!" Dan's thumbs rubbed the back of my hands as I attempted to calm down. I still couldn't speak in fear I'd just continue to spaz out loud. I just kept glancing to him kneeling and back to his face. "Care to tell me what in the hell is going on in your gorgeous mind?" Dan now was going to make me speak. He was no longer looking so intense, but was smiling in wonder up at me. I exhaled loudly with a shake to the end of it. Dan dipped his head waiting for me to come out with it.

"Question first?" I squeaked. Dan smiled a little wider and continued to rub my hands.

"Anything?" Dan mocked my tone. I made a face for him to not and he snickered.

"Why, um, the knees, you're on one, and looking very, um, formal?" I stammered like an idiot causing Dan to chuckle then.

"Well, your reaction to it, well when you totally figured it out, was quite impressive. You rendered me speechless and I was going to bow to your greatness, but then I got down on one knee and it hit me. You thought I was proposing, and I couldn't help but stall to see what exactly I was in for." Dan slightly shook his head as he spoke. I let it process and noticed he was actually not doing what was looking so. He raised his eyebrows and I almost glared at him.

"So, so you're not? You really were just gonna-?" I stammered some more. Dan hung his head low and chuckled. He looked back and shrugged almost looking guilty.

"No, not this round, babe. I'm sorry, I didn't notice the gesture until your pretty face looked so many different emotions. You're not mad are you?" Dan was slipping into a point where he was going to beat himself up about it. I looked down and sighed. I had to actually think if I was really mad or not.

"I'm not, just was a crazy moment. I mean we just went over it and I was like freaking out because we both said too soon, then you did that and I was like okay why the hell not, but why the hell now, ya know?" I explained the best I could. Dan's mouth twitched into a smirk before I helped him back standing up.

"Okay, well, that is totally the best way to have put it, because, you looked very unsure whether to be disappointed or not." Dan called me out. I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his torso. Dan ran his hands through my hair tilting my face up to him to observe me better.

"I promise, I'm not mad, disappointed, or anything else you could come up with. The look you saw was pure realization and understanding. I love you, and when the time is right, and completely unexpected for me you'll make your move. You're Danny Sexbang, and I'm sure the process is going to be original and amazing, like you!" I smiled wider. Dan matched my expression and nodded.

"I won't lie, you're working on it, and I'm not too far from the idea of just fucking going for it. I love you too, [Y/N]. You're my heart and soul piece that I've been searching for without even knowing it. I promise we'll get there, and when we do, you'll never forget it okay?" Danny's eyes lit up and I stood on my tip toes to kiss him. His arms hoisted me up to him better and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our lips molded to the others and it was fireworks almost for a feeling. We were brought out of the moment, due to Arin's confusion since he couldn't hear us.

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