Chapter One-Hundred-Eight

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We got to the booth finally after much weaving and even at one point Mark got caught in another tidal wave of fans! Although funny to watch it was also like training. He smiled, waved, hugged, empathized, and just remained himself as well! I at one point felt Dan's eyes looking over me. He was observing me taking in the situation from a perspective I could understand with less bias.

"Okay okay, so this!" Arin held up a posted he unrolled revealing the new anime movie he wanted to see. Suzy smiled up at him with a nod and took it gently from him for keeps.

"Yes, babe, this, I'll hang on to it. So when does it come out, does it actually say?" Suzy looked over the poster before rolling it back neatly. I even had stepped to the side to view the desert-looking environment, bad guys in the background with their poly-gon hair, and the heroes getting away on some sort of rigged trolley cart. I looked almost interesting and I was going to ask about it until I heard an excited noise come from behind me. I spun to see Arin cradling a plushie from the anime, I assumed, it was a creature of some sort, but was nonetheless adorable as hell to him.

"Mmm! I love this one! It's pink and shoots fucking fire rainbows!" Arin was grinning away like a big kid. I felt something nudge my shoulder to see Dan plopping Sushi Owl on me with a laugh. I snatched him away and wound up looking like Arin just cradling the thing to me.

"Are you sure that you two aren't related?" Mark was pointing between Arin and I as we both looked up and noticed we indeed did the weird twin thing again. I dropped my expression and just held onto Sushi Owl like normal.

"Trust me man, it's a little scary right now!" Dan giggled as I glared at him.

"Wellp! Plushie is ruined, so onward!" Arin declared loudly pointing his finger in the air. Suzy lingered by the table and made a face.

"So you don't wanna know when this is coming out?" Suzy looked to her husband and shrugged. Arin made a face and waved it off.

"I can look it up it's cool. Poster is all I wanted honestly!" Arin giggled as Suzy huffed following Arin further back to the other side of the arena. I felt Dan's arm come back around me as we walked and I looked over catching something I was actually interested in since the plushies.

"Baby! Look!" I nodded over to an area that was dedicated to Guitar Hero. Dan looked down at me and then over to it.

"You, uh, play?" Dan ruffled his hair and shrugged. I blinked up at him and then smiled.

"Dude, expert." Was all I said before dragging him then over. There were probably people just wanting to feel that fo-rockstar feeling. Being able to pull off the pull offs and runs were cherished and everyone had their favorite. I finally heard someone doing War Pigs as we got close with the crowd. Dan kept a tight squeeze on me and I was pretty much leaning against his hold trying to see.

"You want up?" Dan offered to lift me over the crowd to check out the screens. I thought about how tiring it could be since we weren't done walking yet and Dan must have noticed me hesitating. "You wanna see or not?" Dan giggled and I sighed looking down dramatically while holding my arms up. Dan giggled again and I felt myself levitate into a bridal hold.

"Holy crap it's only medium? I wonder if there's a contest or something going on!" I looked at Dan as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Dan leaned his head to mine and shrugged.

"Dunno, so wait? Can you really play expert?" Dan raised his eyebrows and I smiled with a quick nod.

"I can, I can. What about you?" I asked smiling as he rolled his eyes.

"Baby, these fingers are quite talented, I thought you knew?" Dan teased and I blushed but then thought how he still didn't tell me.

"So medium right?" I teased back and Dan shook his head.

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