Chapter Twenty-Five

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I mouthed the words to myself over and over. I couldn't believe this. Someone posted that I was all these terrible things. I mean sure some of the other ones were bad, but this was full of slander as if they knew me. I looked to Arin and Dan whom were quiet. I was guessing waiting for my reaction. Dan was looking down at the table at the moment just lost in thought. Arin shook his head in disgust and tried to comfort him.

"We've all had terrible moments, man. I know it's unfair cause they don't know her"-Arin said quietly and Dan snapped his head up.

"Fucking seriously?! Do people literally have to know all my bullshit! [Y/N] is an amazing person and that still is never good enough! Why can't there be a moment, that is like awesome for us without someone butting the fuck in like they know everything!?" Dan threw his face in his hands and breathed for a moment, "I just-I just got over shit that happened eons ago and totally am a happier man! I usually can ignore fuckboys and over-dramatic fangirls, but that, that is like over the top in unfair. I'm so disappointed that there are people like this." Danny sighed and shook his head. Arin remained quiet and no one still had any idea what to do. Ross was on his phone and followed suit. He must have found it when he got up and came to Dan's side.

"We're gonna overcome the bullshit. We always do, we always will, Danny-boy. Everyone is behind you and [Y/N]. Their overreacting because of their own fantasy world. We know the truth, and that is all that matters. So let's enjoy dinner, go back, ya know what, we haven't done a kickass Steam Rolled, let's dust off the old title card and just crack out on something. ALL of us! Who cares what the song says." Ross put a hand on Dan's shoulder and Dan covered it with his own large one. I nodded to Ross and was actually game. Arin nodded that he liked the idea and Dan was now looking up at Ross for once agreeing with him.

"Alright, Aussie, let's do that!" Dan smiled. Ross made a fake exasperated sound and the smiled back. He went back to sit by Holly and Arin joined Suzy again. I nudged Dan and he gave me a look waiting for me to say something. Instead I pecked his lips and he grinned.

"God I am a lucky son of a gun!" Dan muttered to me and I smiled back at him. Arin looked over and pointed.

"Yo Dan! You gonna order, fool?" Arin laughed and Dan whipped around and apologized.

"That's originally why I nudged you." I giggled. Arin looked over at me, and we air-fived.

"Okay, okay, um I will have the alfredo. Babe, do you even know what you want?" Dan asked me as the waitress waited patiently.

"Oh! Chicken Parmasean please?" I watched her nod with a smile and she went down the line. Suzy was next and her and Arin shared an order of ravioli. Ross and Holly grabbed some cheese ravioli then, and Barry and Kevin ordered the same thing, which was spaghetti. I watched her walk away and I turned to Ross.

"Hey, so, what game ya got in mind?" I waited for him to think about it. He looked to Arin whom was thinking as well.

"What if we did a set of games?" Arin suggested, "Like pick four and we go through different match ups?" Dan shrugged as he kept thinking as well.

"At one point can we do girls vs. guys?" I asked. Suzy turned to me and nodded quickly. Holly smiled big and nudged Ross.

"Yeah, can we totally beat your asses in front of the fans?" Holly laughed as Ross looked at her shaking his head.

"You mean let them watch us show you guys how to game!" Ross got cocky and Suzy and I shook our heads slowly.

"Um, need I remind you, who has indeed done whipped your ass at Mario Kart?" Suzy asked innocently and Ross grabbed his chest like he had been stabbed.

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