Chapter One-Hundred-Twelve

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Dan stepped out after really testing the steam dial in the shower. We could have sworn it only went up so high but the whole bathroom was a sauna. I was giggling to myself watching Dan strut in a towel acting like he was in an 80s music video.

"Danny! S-stop! We have to get ready! Jesus you're a nerd!" I was keeling over in my own towel trying to get passed him to change but he slid in grabbing my waist making me sway with him.

"Better watch out when we're all alone! Heaven is a girl I know so well! She makes me feel good when I feel like Hell!" Danny bobbed his head pulling me closer as he sung out as if he was on stage, "Heaven is a girl that I've got to have, and she makes me feel better when I'm feelin' bad! Heaven is a girl that makes dreams come true! OW! Oh, no one does it good like Heaven do, no!" Danny spun and slid himself down me as his voice rang into the last bit he sung out, "She got the rhythm to drive me crazy; She got the rhythm of love!" Danny's hand shot up and pulled down in a power fist with the last note. Meanwhile his motion also caused the towel to slide with him that I had been wearing and replacing it was his soaking hair that left water trails down me. I squeaked and tried to bundle the towel that had escaped to me getting Dan's attention to spin back to face me.

"Baby it is cold, we are going to be late, we'll live out your rock and roll fantasy later! Come on!" I winded pushing him playfully. Danny made a small noise that indicated he was sad I brought him back to Earth. I shook my head as I knelt to lift my bag onto the bed. Dan I heard brushing his teeth still humming the rest of the song. "Babe!" I scolded him.

"WHAT I'M ALLOWED TO HUM AND CLEAN MY MOLARS WOMAN!" Dan barked at me playfully. I laughed shaking my head more while glancing to the side to see his figure swaying a little as he continued to try and end the song. I threw my panel outfit on the bed while grabbing out boxers for Dan. I heard the sink shut off and watched him step out. At the perfect time, I decided to slingshot his boxers at him with a giggle. They hit Dan in the chest and fell on the floor. Dan looked down at them and back to me with a look that he was trying to look mad but was shaking from laughing internally.

"Y-you tell me to stop goofing off, THEN totally just fling my fucking underwear at me?! Oh right that's fair! Geeze babe, focus!" Dan mocked me picking the boxers up and strolling over to his bag he shared with me full of shirts and jeans. He knelt down opening the pocket and took out socks for him. I heard him make a noise and spun around after pulling my shirt down.

"What's wrong baby?" I stood over him watching him shake his head.

"I usually have like something not normal on, but I'm like already gonna be in a kimono later, ya know? Which also! I am gonna need your assistance on that, and um, oh! Also, also, I am totally gonna ask you wear what I brought for you. Don't be scared, by the way, you're gonna love it, and probably laugh at me for it, but just shush okay?!" Dan's excitement and nerves were battling over something and I assumed it was the panel and show in one. I tugged at my shirt and looked like it was okay to wear for now.

"So I take it we are coming back to change?" I asked tilting my head as he pulled out finally his spandex and cape.

"Yes after dinner." Dan said quickly. I blinked at him as he jumped up. He sighed and held up his blue Kimono and his usual costume. "Help!" Dan pouted. I stepped up to him and folded my arms thinking. "Baby please!" Danny rushed me as I checked the time.

"We have a sec, stop, let me think cause I know one you wear for now and the other for the show. I get it Danny." I nodded looking between the two. Danny huffed standing there and I blinked up at him with a look that warned him to relax. "Okay," I sighed out with a smile.

"Oh my god, please tell me I don't have to try them on!" Dan teased as I shook my head with a chuckle.

"No babe, I've seen you plenty times in either, um, Blue Blazer for panel." I pointed as he smiled wide.

"Throwing yourself into the deep end huh? Cause you know that like I wear this, and people expect the worst! Also! Totally holding your fucking hand, you good with this?" Danny cackled as I remembered as well he did say he's changing AFTER dinner. I embraced my future husband's career style and nodded. Danny wiggled his eyebrows.

"Baby just get changed, I asked for this, I know, I promise I'm not suffering!" I cracked up as he flinged the boxers back to me.

"Oh but my love," Danny sauntered back over in the first part before he threw on the underwear that covers somewhat his 'dragon slaying nuts', "I remember the challenge of making you fangirl, while we're here! So do please, feel free to let me know if things get," Danny lifted my chin so I'd have to look into his eyes. His lips brushed mine tenderly before he finished his taunt, "too sexy for you." His voice went lower like he was trying to seduce me. I hated my cheeks as they betrayed me like always. Danny saw and smiled down biting his lip. I watched him eat it up before I gently ran a fingertip along his clad.

"I will." I said sensually and stepped passed him to grab my shoes. I heard Danny huff before turning around with a look that he couldn't believe I just pulled a-him.

"Really?!" was all he had from that. His hands hit his sides as he dropped his arms that had been dramatically raised in shock. I smiled to myself before turning around grinning that I could play too.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked innocently. Dan shook his head and waved a finger at me.

"I'll remember that, you have no idea how fucked you are!" Dan laughed darkly as he turned to finished dressing himself. I wondered how he could possibly do anything worse than what I had done in public. I made sure I had my pass and everything while Dan finally got to his shoes before putting his cape on. I noticed something and walked over to fix him. When I stepped up to him he watched me cautiously. "Wh-what are you doing?" Dan asked almost leaning away from me.

"Babe your hair is like not, not okay." I furrowed my eyebrows trying to reach to him. Dan did shift away from me holding his hands up.

"Hun I'm fine, stop." Dan stepped back a little as I dropped my hand.

"Baby you're not, you just, fuck, go look in the gooddamn mirror!" I couldn't explain to him how the weather outside was already making his hair seem like he was actually trying to fro it out. Dan got into the bathroom and I counted to three before I heard him make a shocked noise.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Dan shouted as I quickly came running. I had something to help his frizz a little but he was going to have to trust me.

"Danny I can fix it, but I need you to trust me." I approached him slowly with his brush in my hand and the can behind my back. It was like sneaking up on a stray cat it felt like.

"Show me what you're hiding and I'll consider it." Dan held a hand out and looked quite serious like this was a hostage situation. I slowly held up the can before he snatched it. He mouthed the words as he read and snapped his head to me. "This," he held the can up and shook it, "is not gonna work on my hair." Dan doubted like I figured.

"What more could you possibly lose?" I countered. Dan was bouncing a little from frustration looking at the can and back to me. I watched him huff a couple times before handing it back lowering his head.

"Please try and make it even, okay?" Dan whined. I tilted his head up using my finger under his chin so he'd look at me.

"I got you baby, calm down. We're gonna be fine. They'll get it." I said calmly. Danny nodded and took my hand as I lead him to sit on the floor away from everything. I sprayed down his brush and worked through his hair. I started with the back and eventually got to the front. Slowly but surely it calmed down to a good day back in California. It was just enough to look washed still but not intimidated from the heat. When I finished I looked his hair once more over before helping him up. Dan shuffled to the bathroom again and I prayed he saw the change.

"Holy fuck!" Dan shouted a little less intense. I barely got a chance to step forward before he came out quickly to grab me up in a hug. "Fuck, you're amazing, thank you baby!" Dan kissed my face. I eventually got him to slow down so I could kiss him before leaving. Dan's smile broke through wider knowing what kind it was.

"You're welcome, hubby." I said quietly between the two of us. Dan reached down to stroke my cheek shaking his head.

"Let's go get weird," Dan spun with his cape flaring around him before offering his hand. I noticed he kept his ring on as I took it, "shall we?" Dan finished with a smolder that had me cracking up as we walked out the door to meet up with the rest of the grumps.

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