Chapter Eighteen

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Dan grabbed his stuff with me and slammed the truck door. I walked up with him and he seemed to start going at a more frantic pace. He stopped by a desk and handed the things he already needed out to the man who typed in on his computer Danny's info. Dan tapped the counter and I rubbed his arm to calm him down. The man quickly gave back Dan his stuff and nodded. Dan walked a better pace and I scurried as fast as I could. Beside him. He never grabbed my hand and he never said but a few phrases to himself before he reached his terminal. The woman announced the flight and a last call for boarding. Dan dropped his stuff and looked down at me.

"This is bullshit. I shouldn't go. I should come back with you." Dan sighed and I blinked at him. If I spoke I was going to lose it in public. So instead of anything of a reply I wrapped my arms around him. His red flannel he threw on in the parking lot was soft and smelled like him. It matched the Rush shirt he wore and I pressed my cheek against its logo. His heart was racing as his familiar arms held me close and he rocked us.

"Please, dear god, get on the plane, babe." I didn't know why I felt I had to beg. Dan inhaled and I heard a soft note come from him.

"Last night, I, was blown away. I said a million things, I'd never say, Was knocked down, it got to me, gotta get me some of your, chemistry," I knew the song and the way he sung it though he slowed it down to a lullaby, he inhaled and continued holding me, "ya want me tooo, promise yooou, that everything is true. Well Babe, I won't make promises that I can't keep, and I won't make promises, I don't mean. I'll even mean the things I tell you in my sleep, yeah, I won't make promises, babe, that I can't keep." He had looking into my soul for the last line and I had tears. The announcement signed off again and he let me go after a harsh, long, needy, kiss. He shuffled away and through the terminal. I watched him look back and had tears. My phone buzzed and it was a text.

Baby, you are my best adventure. You truly brought out the best in me this weekend, and I possibly cannot wait to see you're amazing self soon. I'll definitely call you once we land. Arin and Suze say hi and they miss you already. Not as much as me, but you get the idea. Make sure before you start packing to tell those close to you I'm kidnapping you as well! Okay hun, I have to go, you be safe and I love you bunches! Xoxox forever, Mr. Sexbang.

I clutched my phone and sobbed as I trekked out of the airport. This was going to be a hard few weeks, but I had to do this. I had a career, an amazing boyfriend, and a new set of awesome friends to look forward to. I reached my truck and leaned against the driver's side door. I cried a couple more times and finally let myself almost fall in. Arin wasn't going to come to my rescue right now. Suzy won't smile a warm smile till later. Ross and Barry couldn't tackle me in a hug sandwich. Danny couldn't kiss this boo boo either. I was back to being on my own for a while and needed this I think.

I reached home in a decent time. The whole way keeping my music low and my eyes dry, sort of. The house seemed crazy huge for being a crackerjack box. I sighed and heard it bounce off the walls. My bags were thrown wherever as I fell on the couch. The cushioned were more comfortable than usual I thought. I turned just my head to eye the xbox and I sighed. The controller was above my head and I didn't even reach for it. There was no way they could grump this soon. I turned on the system anyway and loaded YouTube. The home screen displayed before me and I caught a video from the Grumps and it had a thumbnail of Danny and Arin on the plane. Dan's cheeks were still red and I noticed he was smiling wide enough that if I hadn't known it was fake it would have passed. Arin looked happy as always and I hit play.

"HEY! Look! We get to go home! Gosh it's been a blast, Michigan! You guys were great! We met so many of you and we want to come back next year, ISN'T THAT AWESOME!" Arin raved and Dan giggled next to him. "Hey Dan, did you- did you have fun?" Arin grinned and Danny looked right into the camera and smiled.

"Nope!" Dan said laughing and Arin frowned dramatically and shook his head.

"But- but Dan! Why not! Asshole!" Arin bantered and Danny belly laughed now.

"Because I'm so fucking tired, and you started this off way too exciting dude and I felt the need to just, 'NOPE!'" Dan tried to not laugh as Arin glared at him without breaking. I giggled at their antics. Tears formed again as I noticed how much I missed it in person.

"But- Dan? Didn't you like meeting all the Mitten-folk?" Arin asked with a giggle and Dan sighed.

"ALRIGHT FINE! I had fun! Geeze!" Danny paused and calmed down, "No, really, I- I did have a great time, you all were exceptional! We got a ton of great questions and I know you and I should have left Ross at their museum or some shit. God, that guy!" Dan shook his head and Arin chuckled.

"Dude had no idea the fucking state was a mitten! It's only the, uh, singular state that looks like one!" Arin keeled over and Dan thought for a second.

"Ya know, uh Maine, looks kinda like- Dan tried and Arin shook his head.

"D'NO! Daniel, it doesn't! How dare you!" He shoved Dan and Dan chuckled harder. They both looked sincerely into the camera and smiled warmly.

"Guys, we really had an awesome time, you guys totally are great, we are gonna go home and die for eons, but hey! We'll be back ruining lives as we play your favorite games! Yay!" Danny cheered and Arin nodded.

"See you, Lovelies! Bye!!!" Arin sounded off and they both waved until it faded out to an end. I hadn't noticed I was suddenly sitting on a sponge. Tears just kept falling and I couldn't believe how much I picked up on Dan's emotions through the smile. I looked over at my phone and sighed uneasily. I let myself stop hoping. I tried not to make excuses as to what was taking him and popped on Markiplier. His "Prop Hunt" playlist was another one that I fell asleep to on certain occasions. It's started with the very first one. I let myself become comfortable, once again, falling asleep on my couch. Home sweet home, right?

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