Chapter One-Hundred-Nineteen

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I watched Dan shut the door quietly to not alert anyone around before coming to sit on the bed with me. We hadn't really said much after hoping she wasn't going to be at the show. I stared at the floor as my feet hung off the sides. I noticed Dan's tennis shoes touched the floor when I glanced to them. I heard Dan sigh and felt the bed shift. I kept my eyes on the floor even when a soft hand rubbed my back gently. I felt from palm to fingertips occasionally and knew he was waiting on me to look at him.

"Hey," Dan softly spoke up and I turned after a moment. He was lying in his Blue Blazer outfit with his cape bunched under him. His hair was haloing his head and his eyes were softer than a bit ago. I felt a small tug on my shirt and followed the request. I let myself fall into his arms and didn't even realize what happened when I touched down. I had tangled myself with him and was pressing my face to his neck. I got one inhale in before the tears flowed with the exhale. I felt myself fist his leotard as his arms tightened around me. He just held me and knew I had to get it out. This wasn't his first round with me being an emotional wreck. Eventually soft strokes through my hair and quiet 'hushes' wrapped me in a safer atmosphere. I had gone from sobs to small whimpers as Dan worked his magic once more.

"B-baby I can't." I whined into Dan's neck. Dan shifted to see my face and I looked into his worried eyes with a hard swallow from him. It killed him to hear me say I can't and him almost have to side with me that he couldn't do it either. We stared at the other for a moment before Dan's lips molded to mine and his finger gently held my chin. I whimpered between kisses and heard Dan 'shh' a couple times softly before pulling back to tuck me under his own chin. I felt him kiss my forehead with a moment where he kept his lips pressed to it longer before speaking.

"Don't be scared, baby-girl, we're gonna be okay." Danny cooed before propping himself up next to me so he was looking down to me. His fingers gently stroked my cheek and I held onto his wrist. Dan let slid his hand into mine and laced his fingers with mine. I felt his ring between my smaller ones and closed my eyes. Dan's forehead rested on mine and I listened to breathe calmer with him. "I love you, so much. Fuck I'm so sorry, [Y/N]." Dan's whisper was soft, but a lot of hurt was in it. He was upset that my first memory of a panel would be this. Us upset over an ex that would never go away it felt like. I pulled Dan closer to where he was almost blanketing me. Dan's legs entangled with mine again as his arm slipped under me. He pulled me up to his chest and pressed me to him. "God I don't know what the fuck to do, here babe." Dan finally admitted into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his slender torso and kept myself to him tighter. "I can only hope that Arin comes through. We have a couple hours, um, maybe we should get changed and go eat or bring food back, and, are you even hungry?" Dan rambled off letting his voice turn a little more casual and I let myself try to think about that.

"Can we call Arin first before we decide on that? I can't sit here worrying much longer before I lose my appetite anyway." I tried to not sound shaky, but failed. Dan nodded and helped me sit up with him. He leaned off the bed and grabbed my purse from when I had let it fall off my shoulders. I watched him bring his phone out and unlock it. Dan's arm pulled me to rest on his shoulder. He looked over me for a moment and nodded to scoot up. He rested against the headboard and I laid my head down in his lap. I heard Dan typing something on his phone before fingers brushed through my hair softly.

"So, Arin texted me, and I think it's actually gonna be okay?" Dan started off. I rolled to look up his nose more than anything and sighed.

"What did he say?" I asked cautiously. Dan' hand rested on the crown of my head and his thumb stroked my forehead.

"He said, uh, 'Hey guys I talked to security and Polaris, apparently she had seemed fishy to them from the get go and they noticed her pass was not even a legitimate one and have removed her from the premises.' Meaning, she I guess is gone, but ugh, I don't know if it's my gut or us needing to chill out or what but that doesn't make me feel better really. God again, I'm so sorry my love," Dan's frown as he stroked my forehead more was apparent. I reached up to stroke his cheek trying to smile but not really feeling it. I watched Dan gently take that same hand in his and hold it to his lips. His eyes fluttered closed and another sigh came through him.

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