Chapter Ninety-Two

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Danny hopped into his driver's side as I mirrored him on the passenger side. I glanced to my truck and sort of felt like I was cheating on it. Danny started the engine and I turned back to look up at him. He had indeed changed between me showering. He had on his plain black t-shirt, and some ripped jeans. His stubble was slightly coming back and I almost had to admit I may have missed it. I felt the car jerk a little as he back out to the road before he whipped around to take off. Instead of holding my hand for once, Dan's right one rested on my thigh. He stroked his thumb across my denim and I caught him smiling as he watched the road.

"What's with the grin?" I asked giggling to him. Danny glanced over and shrugged but kept the smile going.

"Dunno, just super happy! I get to take my lady out for treats and officially get to say we both get to snuggle up in our living room when we get home." Dan's proud declaration was addicting. I smiled liking the idea as well when he put it that way.

"So okay, let's discuss rings. Just-just the promise rings, no panicking, I swear I won't be a dictator with something you're supposed to give to me." I made the gesture to calm down and Dan laughed when he glanced seeing it.

"Okay," Dan shrugged casually, "what are your thoughts?" Dan squeezed the hand holding onto my thigh and I shrugged back.

"What metal do you prefer?" I asked casually. Dan nodded slowly understanding what I meant.

"Well, heavy, but in this case," Dan glanced over and I laughed at the pun, "I kinda dig silver. Gold looks weird on me, you?" Dan turned his head at a light to me. I smiled wider and patted his hand.

"I'm a silver girl through and through. Gold never really tickled my fancy." I explained giggling at my wording. Dan chuckled at the thought as well.

"Cool, looks like we can definitely do the matching thing! Um, stone or just a band?" Dan wondered aloud and I thought about that as well.

"Um, well, we could get each other's birthstones?" I shrugged just throwing an idea out there. Dan 'oooed' liking that. His thumb stroked my thigh as he agreed.

"Very nice, which leads me to ask, what's yours?" Dan's question threw me off. I hadn't realized we never discussed my birthday.

"Um, wow, have we really sucked that bad at knowing the other?" I blurted out with no thought. Dan blinked and looked to me shocked.

"Fuck, babe, I'm such an ass, when is your birthday?!" Dan blushed deeply as I waved off his embarrassing moment.

"I never told you either, so don't feel too bad Dan. It's [Y/B/D]." I said shrugging still. I noticed he and I did that a lot when just talking. We were indifferent to casual conversation yet didn't seem to know how to not sit still.

"Alrighty, well, now that that is settled! I still feel like a dick!" Dan laughed trying to make lighter sense of the moment and I reached up to ruffle his hair.

"Learning as we go, remember?" I said comfortingly. Dan nodded slowly with a small grin.

"Yes I do. Yes we are. Super sorry though. Usually that's first date shit." Dan apologized and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Babe, our first date, was interrupted. We didn't get more talking in." I reminded him more and watched him remember that as well.

"I know! Still! You'd think if I was to marry you soon or whatever I'd know that! Come on! I totally know more minor things than major! Birthdays are a thing! I had no idea what that thing was till like now?" Danny rambled and I rolled my eyes over his freaking out. I took his hand that had been still squeezing my thigh and laced our fingers. Dan stopped immediately and I pouted at him.

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