Chapter Nine

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Things all came out as soon as I shut my truck door. I let myself cry in the driver's seat. I was so confused about this, I was nervous, I was upset because my hoodie accidentally was ruined, I was also just waiting for the obvious. That was, Dan was going to leave for California with his friends, and I know I am just this person he had to talk to outside of things. Someone who made him smile and he'll change his number and I will have memories as he shoots another episode. He'll laugh with Arin and I'll laugh a little over the hurt but it will never be the same. Nothing will be ever the same as when I first walked into this place. I let myself cry out before even thinking of starting the truck.

I checked the time and noticed I let myself flood the cab for about a good half hour. I had to stop thinking of things to cry over and just go back for the night to my room. I let the beast come to life when I was scared shitless. A loud rapping at my window caused me to scream.

"[Y/N], PLEASE TURN OFF THE TRUCK!" Arin was screaming at me and I rolled down the window.

"Look, I know it was just a hoodie, and I shouldn't be upset-" I started to tear up again.

"No, no no no no! Don't cry, oh man, just, fuck it!" Arin ran around the other side and swung open the door and threw himself inside and slammed the door behind him. He grabbed me in a hug and I for a split second tried to understand this gesture but my feelings overcame my racing mind again. Arin let me sob and I tried to speak but he hushed me. "It's okay, I know this is crazy, and you probably have so much you need to know and ask. I tried to talk to him, but he is so upset he ruined your hoodie he keeps just wanting to apologize. I know you tried to just tell me it was just a hoodie, but that is a personal thing. I even gave you your badge of honor and I get it. It's okay to be upset, [Y/N]." Arin squeezed as I quieted down. I sat back and he waited for me to speak.

"I just, I was just a fan. I was an average person and because he cuts me off in traffic and then runs me down almost by the elevator he has this notion that we can work on a friendship. I just, from his hints in stories, I think I have an idea how this thing goes. If I am wrong, let me be, please." I looked to Dan's best friend and watched him tilt his head concerned and curious.

"How do you think this goes, exactly?" He was asking for me to explain. I sighed and looked at my steering wheel.

"Arin, the man is a temptation with a fro. He has the charms of a prince and the intentions of a womanizer. I don't, I don't know how to word it any other way." I glanced over and Arin was thinking. I hoped I hadn't offended him.

"Well, see the thing is, Dan and "privacy" goes as far as he puts it. He chooses not to try and keep a relationship usually because his work and that it's just him. He is choosy and stubborn. I love this guy with my every being that Suze hasn't claimed, but we all have faults, ya know?" Arin looked to me and tried to smile. I nodded and turned to him with a burning question.

"What does Dan think this is, like I know he says friends, cool, awesome, but why am I sitting here feeling like I am missing this huge message? Then I sit and say it out loud and know I am insane, right? Dan just feels bad for "ruining" my time, cause I am not this special someone. I was just into him over the show and now I am over being a fan cause I feel like I know something more about him and now you're here, in my truck cab, comforting me over what? A wet hoodie and literally the most odd situation to encounter for the both of us?!" I got a little louder and Arin just let me go. "I mean, do you know who many girls would kill to have this moment? To have Not-So-Grump texting them and then Grump, himself, just care about them so much as whatever that he sits in their passenger seat and lets them cry on him?! I don't deserve it! I was just supposed to hand you things, ask a question, get marker on my hoodie, go home, and move on! Not sit-" Arin cut me off

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