Chapter Thirty-Eight

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****Dan's POV****

Arin sat down while my love in my arms finally fell out. She looked so worn out from literally no sleep since two days ago. I wondered how she was even alive when she came here to edit. I sniffled a couple times due to the tea clearing my sinuses that seemed to act up in the freezing office we worked out of. I watched Barry walk into the room where we officially recorded and set up. I yawned over at Arin and he made a face.

"Gonna be a long one huh?" he said to me sarcastically. Trust me I love this job, but we had human instincts still and I was not ready to be up yet. [Y/N] stirred for a sec and I knew I was going to be testing myself. I was going to have to almost ignore her there since we weren't really making it a point to say she was here. I kissed her forehead once more and Barry came out for a sec to nod. Arin hit play and it was another day at the office.

"Well hello lovelies! We're back with some more time to waste here in the Grumpspace, OH! I said energetically. Arin laughed at my sudden upbeat and hyper mood.

"Well gee Dan! You sound happy to be here!" Arin piped up and sounded excited as well.

"Nope! Actually I am so fucking tired, but these guys make it worth getting up in the morning, and at night!" I totally layed on the cheesey lines and was feeling slap happy sooner than usual. I adjusted and noticed [Y/N] was in a very deep sleep.

"Dude that's when I am up the most!" Arin laughed at my line. I shook my head at him with a chuckle.

"Yeah no kidding, um, have you ever," I started in on one of my random ass thoughts.

"Oh god, what!" Arin knew it was coming. I took a moment and he went into a fit of giggles.

"Have you ever, like, had a boner that totally would not go away and you're laying there so damn tired, but it's just fucking ready to party?!" I laughed at all the times this happened. Arin leaned forward laughing hard which caused him to fall off the platform in the game we were continuing.

"Um, ha, okay, your wording has be totally in another direction with that!" Arin was cracking up which caused me to crack up loudly.

"Go on!" I encouraged his explanation. Usually if I can get him keeled over and fucking up in a game, he has something totally worth hearing.

"I picture, aha! I fucking picture like, your boner just erect and it has a fucking stupid party hat on with a thing you blow into that extends and just like twitches cause it's tryin to dance and shit!" Arin erupted with me in laughing so hard. I leaned forward and just it was automatic to lose my shit. I looked over as he's trying to stay with the game, but falls again and starts cursing.

"Oh damn, maybe you shouldn't be thinking of my dick with a party hat, and maybe you'd not fall so much!" I teased. Arin laughed harder and shook his head.

"Oh god, man, no I do not think that is my problem, like at all!" Arin was cackling as I snickered, but had to speak fast.

"Oh right, right, no it's just that you possibly could not suck and harder at this game, am I right?!" I snorted as Arin have me a look like he was so offended.

"You know what Daniel! MAYBE I ACTUALLY WANTED TO SUCK YOUR PARTY DICK, BUT NOW I WONT BECAUSE YOU MADE FUN OF ME!" Arin went there and I was gasping for air now.

"Bahaha, oh please, you'd be the person to like, well if I lived with you, to like fling my door open and yell at my raging party boner to go to bed!" I inhaled but noticed I was wheezing from laughing to hard.

"AHA, Oh I so would like, AYE, SHUT IT DOWN BONER, JUST FUCKING, GO TO BED, IT'S OVER!" Arin acted out his scene and used his dad rage voice.

"What if like my boner got all sad and like looked at you like 'oh, okay, man I'm sorry.'" I giggled now. Arin snorted next and shook his head like he couldn't believe this conversation was even happening.

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