Chapter Fifty-Two

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The light from Dan's window wasn't surely as bright as in Suzy's guest room. I let my eyes open to the sight of Dan's bare back and mountain of glorious hair facing me. I smiled warmly watching his figure rise and fall with each breath. There was something always peaceful about waking up before someone and getting to experience them still in a deep slumber. I slowly wriggled out from the covers and off the bed. I searched for something to throw on incase Barry was home. I found my underwear that Dan had tossed across the room. I threw those on with one of his shirts. I looked at the wording and noticed it was his Starbomb shirt. I watched it cover me nicely as I noticed Dan had a body mirror by his door. I slowly opened it up and stepped out silently. I just wanted Dan to have a morning he got to sleep.

I padded down to his kitchen and heard Barry in the living room before I saw him. I heard him clear his throat as I spun around startled.

"Uh, heh, morning!" I smiled awkwardly. Barry was grinning way too wide for my liking. I buried my face in my hands sighing.

"Rough night?" he asked innocently. I shrugged blushing trying not to seem over excited. Barry pointed to the coffee machine and smiled. "You look like you could use some." He snickered. I rolled my eyes as I found the cupboard where they kept their mugs.

"So what time did you get in?" I asked finally being able to change the subject. Barry thought for a second.

"I believe it was around three?" He shrugged. I mixed some cream and sugar in my coffee and leaned on the counter. I looked over the fridge and saw the fan-made magnets people must have sent them. I smiled to myself as I pictured being there at one point.

"It's weird still when I get a chance to think about it." I said more to myself. Barry had walked into the kitchen and tilted his head at me.

"Think about what?" he smiled curious to know. I grinned wider at him with a shrug.

"Being just a no-named fan. Sending in my hard work in to just these people whom I looked up to. Now look at me." I gestured to the magnets and looked back to Barry as I had spoke. Barry looked me up and down laughing.

"Yeah, look at ya, wearing Dan's Starbomb shirt and nothing else." Barry laughed. It wasn't in a flirtatious manner but more how bad my timing was to mention that. I bitchfaced at him before huffing.

"Okay, fine, bad choice of words, but anyway, are you hungry?" I asked nicely. Barry shook his head but pointed to a cupboard.

"I'm taking off here to go meet the others. We have all breakfast mixes just cause Dan and I occasionally mix it up here." Barry smiled. He grabbed his phone and keys before putting on his shoes.

"I'm sure Dan and I will be meeting you there okay?" I grinned innocently. Barry looked at me like he knew what was going to happen.

"Not on my bed is all I ask!" Barry pointed to me with his request. He opened the door and we laughed as he said good-bye. I heard him leave and I was alone in their kitchen contemplating how I was going to get away with breakfast. I looked over to notice that my phone was resting on the counter as well. I wondered if Barry found it somewhere and decided to plug it in and charge it for me. I flipped through the music I had and stopped on my Def Leppard discography. I grinned knowing I could play this at a level I could jam to and possibly not disturb Dan.

I checked out their eggs and found sausage in there as well. I checked further and realized their bread was good thankfully. I didn't doubt their abilities as adults to make sure to clean their fridge but at the same time, grown guys sometimes just failed to pay attention. I heated up a frying pan and cracked six eggs after melting butter. I whipped them into a scrambled egg mix and hit play as I prepared the sausage. A couple cowbell count offs with a bass kick started off after a familiar voice cut in with Rock of Ages. I strutted around alone singing along with Joe Elliot as I grabbed some juice out of the fridge and poured it into two cups. Dan's coffee choice could be on him since if I poured it too soon it would have been cold.

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