Chapter Seventy-Eight

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I got down to business pretty quickly. Dan had managed to organize a ton of stuff and then packed most of it. I was shocked he had gotten to it as much as he did with all the sidetracking. I was folding up one of the few last boxes needed for the room when I heard Arin scream.

"HONEY I'M FUCKING HERE!" the door shut and I heard Arin ask where I was. I decided to just be lazy and let him come find me. I heard the steps top at the door and Arin twisted the knob slowly. Suddenly the door flew open and Arin was looking down to me with his hands on his hips and a huge grin. I spun around and stood up to fling myself into his arms.

"BIG BROTHER!" I screamed in joy. Arin lifted me straight up and carried me down the hall. Both of us were giggling as he stopped in the doorway to the living room.

"SUZY LOOK! I CAUGHT A MICHIGANDER!" Arin looked to my face and was just straight expression. I heard Suzy laugh like he was ridiculous causing him to look to her for a second. When he looked back I had folded my arms and Arin then looked to Dan quickly. "Uh, here, she's doing the weird expression thing where she does me, but I'm me and JUST TAKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND DAMN YOU!" Arin shoved me at Dan whom laughed but gladly accepted his forced gift. Dan placed me on my feet and Suzy jumped up to hug me as well.

"I missed you, [Y/N]!!" Suzy rocked us and I smiled wide.

"I missed you tons! It's so different not being back with you guys!" I confessed as Suzy stepped back and Dan, I noticed, was in the kitchen checking dinner for me. Arin curiously went to go check on it and I decided to give Suzy a tour like she had me. "Alrighty! So this is the livingroom!" I mocked her tone and we both giggled. "Kidding, but no, this is!" I opened up my door and realized the mattress was still bare. "Here is my room!" I suddenly heard Arin bound back to us and I turned to smile to him.

"Dan! I was missing the tour over chicken," Arin looked back to me and saved himself, "fuckin' good ass chicken, but still!" Arin laughed and I shook my head with Suzy. I heard Dan congratulate him on the save. "Sorry carry on?" Arin said in a more proper tone. I sighed and made a face as I continued.

"This is, as I was explaining to your wife, my room." I let them look and Arin snickered. In a monotone voice I added on, "Please excuse the bare bed. Nobody guess what happened. I swear the goat survived the sacrifice." I turned to open the other door to where they'd be staying and heard Dan howling. He went on and laughed harder as he kept mentioning something about the similarities with a goat and anal sex. Arin made a face and I held up my hand. "Please keep all questions and concerns until after the tour." I kept the same tone until I flipped on the light. Suzy was still in my room and I raised my eyebrows to her.

"Cotton candy walls?" She questioned. Arin huffed and folded his arms at me.

"How come she gets to make a comment and I don't?!" Arin made a face and I shook my head slowly. Dan from the kitchen giggled once more and I sighed loud enough for him to hear.

"Sorry babe," I heard Dan mutter 'goat' as I turned back to Arin. He was still waiting on my answer.

"She can ask, because I knew as soon as you saw the bed, something about Dan's dick was going to come out. So okay, youuuu, are not allowed to ask anything till after. Okay?" Arin pouted and turned to walk back to the kitchen.

"I'm going back to play with Dan, meanie!" Arin shuffled back and I heard Dan greet Arin with an apology.

"It's okay, I'll just know where the bathroom is and he won't!" Suzy and laughed at her idea as Arin pretended to sob loudly. I turned back to my room and smiled as I explained the color explosion.

"My color choice is honestly from hippie me. Well sort of hippie me. I was into like nature, and peace signs, but no drugs. I was thirteen I had no idea!" Suzy shrugged with me but found it interesting. "Honestly Dan said the same thing about it looking like cotton candy." I told her. She smiled liking she wasn't alone and moved on to the bedroom I had for them.

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