Thank Yous + Extra Bit

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Holy shit, as of August 29th 2015, I have come to complete of of the LONGEST fics and FIRST Dan Avidan x Reader fics in my entire writing career. I know no one has heard from me during this entire roller-coaster ride full of smut, angst, fun, and Game Grumps! Okay wow, so being on the EST time zone, it is also 7:53 AM, I have yet been to bed, but I promise sleep will be had here after this.

I want to start off with a thank you. To those who voted, commented, and even followed me!!! To those who read and just never left anything, IT'S OKAY! I don't expect everyone to like this or even stick with it. I wrote this with intentions of just a ton of reasons and if you need to know them, MESSAGE ME. I will gladly respond! Holy shit you guys have been amazing just...almost 6k reads...and I'm still shitting myself!! Let me be clear here, my intentions, not to even have one person think this was not garbage, but OH WOW, thank you for EVERYONE to prove me wrong!! I promise I am floored with the feed back, and even the friends I have made over this site and the other one I will be posting this on later on!

Thank you firstly to Mr. Avidan himself. Without him, this, yeah not a thing! He's a very kind man, and even though I have yet to meet him, I pray if he does indeed find this, to NOT take this too seriously and NOT call security on my as soon as I make it to a con to be able to meet the man himself.

Secondly thank you so much to LindseyBouchard! Whom I met on Ao3 and teased this to her and she actually made a couple clicks happen and came to this sight to read this entire thing!! You have been one of the coolest people to connect with on Skype and I appreciate every comment, compliment, interaction in general you send my way! It's been an honor to have gotten to know you and I am excited for the future in our friendship!

Thirdly, to Melissa, my wonderful, Twin! My oh my how 3 years can teach you a lot about someone. You and I haven't met yet, but distance is nothing between us. You may have started out reading this, and may have stopped, but because of your lovely game you created from it, we have definitely began to create one HELL of a double OC (totally not a teaser, STFU). I love you woman and can't wait as well to see where that project goes!

The link above is a playlist of the songs mentioned in this. I made it myself and I wish you all well to be educated and entertained. I am still updating it, so never fear, there is still work to be done!

ONCE AGAIN! Thank you so much for following me along in this epic tale. For those wondering, and whom cared enough to read THIS far...



Marissa Ross,


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