Chapter Six

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As I began to wander aimlessly I was pulled from my state of awe of the place by a young man with a camera walking passed me. He was following someone who must have been from YouTube and I just didn't recognize them. They occasionally turned to the camera and explained how their time was so far. Seeing this made me wonder how the Grumps were handling it. I mean sure they did their own live action skits but at the same time it was all for fun and scripted sometimes. I stopped staring after the scene and continued on to a booth that had Xbox screaming from it. I smiled and knew it was going to feel like home for a moment.

I approached the tables and saw the new previews for Xbox One games coming out. A few people to my left were glued to demos that danced across the plasmas each a controller in hand and their friends chattering with them. I managed to take a once around the entire hub of systems and came across a demo that took my breath away. Once a Halo fan, always a fanboy. I sat down and grabbed up the controller and pressed "A". Instantly I was thrown into a cut scene that showed a Spartan soldier leading a squad into battle with some Elite. Their mission was to track down a group of them that had some knowledge unknown yet to the player. I finished the cut scene ready to test it out when an explosion threw my player across the screen. I quickly got up and headed to battle. In seconds tanks, vehicles, men, and aliens were meeting in the middle. I anxiously looked for a target and found a couple Elites who already spotted me. In an instant I was unloading my assault rifle clip into the two and ended it with a grenade as well. I watched "double kill" fade up onto the right side of the screen and I gleamed at my small achievement. I pressed on until the demo was over. The graphics were really eye catching and I really was into the storyline played out. I jumped up when a voice behind me spoke in a thrilled manner.

"Holy shit! I watched you take out half those guys, what's your name?" The guy held out his hand, "I'm Jared." I stared at the gentileman and shook his hand. He was about 5'8 and was slender. He had medium, fluffy, hair and a hooked nose. His eyes squinted as he smiled at me. It took me a second to make a connection and I must have looked goofy when my face lit up to match his.

"I'm [Y/N] and holy shit you are ProJared. Dude I just slept to you and Ross on Grumpcade last night! Wow, it is like, really nice to meet you, and uh thanks for the compliment." I gestured towards the screen that was replaying another demo video as I finished. Jared looked at me and grinned.

"Thanks for the movie-star hi! I really just play games and hang out but hey, always cool to meet a fan. I was walking by and happened to see you so engrossed in what you had been playing I didn't wanna ruin your streak, ya know?" He laughed a little after that. I moved to the side so someone could pass before continuing our chat.

"No, really thank you for the second to kick some ass, it's a great demo by the way, I mean if Halo is your thing, I guess. So are you part of the filming that they are doing this weekend? I know the Grumps and a few others were!" I said cheerfully. Jared looked around and shrugged.

"Eh, not my thing really, I honestly like the privacy the internet has not taken from me, so it's nice to be here and not be on film. No offense to you guys as fans, just I'm still a dude that likes his time to himself and not explain it." I nodded. He made a good point. I started noticing for as much fun as I had watching these guys, they still liked their simple lives. Sure their jobs are different but it's still just a career. I smiled at Jared before saying good-bye. He thanked me again for the compliments and talk. I waved as I headed over to a drinking fountain. I set my stuff down to make it easier to quench my thirst.

Just as I wiped my mouth off, my phone went off. Assuming again it was Dan, I noticed his times between messages were getting longer. He must be getting a ton of visitors. I grabbed up my things and walked aimlessly reading what he said.

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