Chapter One-Hundred-Seven

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***Your Pov****

I felt smooth hands on my back and a small amount of weight leaning on me as I was brought out of one of the best naps ever. I smiled to myself as those hands had massaged me so well as if I had been so sore. It wasn't long before lips appeared in random places ever-so lightly causing me to hum enjoying this. A small chuckle against my skin was felt and heard as well following it.

"Just keep doing what you're doing, okay?" I mumbled sleepily. Dan chuckled against my back again and kissed my spine then towards my lower end.

"Mhm, I bet you'd like that huh? Sadly though, we're meeting Mark down at the con soon, so now that you're awake and not a crabby little thing, get ready for me please?" Dan's voice was soft in his request. I almost would have felt bad to deny him, but I knew he wanted to explore before we landed anyway. I turned barely to see him smiling down at me as he threw on his Transformers shirt. I shifted to sit up with a yawn trying to wake up more. Dan walked over back into the bathroom and I heard him brushing his teeth.

I looked over at our things and sighed not wanting to move, but doing so anyway. I swung my feet off the bed and knelt down looking for something comfortable. I pulled out my black, arch-reactor, Iron Man, shirt and a red flannel. I found my darker blue, boot cut, jeans as well. I sighed more having to dig through my suitcase remembering I had stowed my underthings with Dan's clothes since it was less fabric and space. I went to unzip the suitcase and felt startled as two hands came down and snatched it from me.

"Daniel! What the hell?" I laughed but was confused. Dan waved me off not saying anything as he threw a bra and underwear my way. His green toothbrush was hanging from his mouth and he had Crest around his lips. I shook my head whatevering his weird gesture just then. I watched him walk back to spit and clean up as I gathered my brush as well to go shower. I stepped passed the sinks and Dan and stopped realizing I was going to have to learn how to work this damn shower. I set my clothes on the counter that had been to the right of the stall and stepped over to check it out.

"Oh! Let me!" Dan must have been watching me because he came in with a smile and set it up. "Here babe, you'll get off easier cause I totally decided to be the guniea pig. Um," Dan pointed to several things, "don't fuck with that, that, that, or that, okay? What you want," Dan then turned to almost a familiar set up and turned the hot on the left and then the cold. "Are, these! Trust me, you'll thank me. I sat here for like eh, ten minutes turning shit when it was right infront of my face." Dan giggled shaking his head as I nodded with a grin thinking about him probably cursing at it for being confusing.

"Well thank you for saving me a ton a trouble, I promise I'll be quick, okay?" I reassured Dan of no stalling and he kissed my cheek before nodding.

"I promise we'll see what that fucker can really do, together." Dan giggled as he wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved him to go so I could hurry.

"Will you go so I can do this? Unless you want to be late?!" I laughed as Dan bowed then turned to leave. I shook my head to myself at how silly he could be.

"By the way!" I heard Dan call out to me as I stepped in after tossing my bra and underwear aside that I had slept in.

"What now?!" I yelled back wondering what the hell it could be.

"Don't be sassy with me!" Dan barked back with a chuckle and I giggled to myself knowing he'd say something like that. I was so busy yelling to Dan over his random thought that I didn't even get a chance to form an opinion on how much I liked the shower system.

"You gonna tell me or just scold me?!" I yelled back after not hearing him continue. I looked passed the panel and saw him leaning in the door way.

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