Chapter One-Hundred-Thirteen

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Dan and I reached the rest of the group downstairs. They all were either standing or even sitting on the floor off in the corner on some sort of device. Once Arin saw us everyone almost came out of their tech-coma to greet us.

"Hey guys!" Dan smiled as bodies moved. Arin shook his head slowly looking Dan up and down.

"Man, I thought I would never see you wear that to a panel! Usually you're in a kimono or some weirder outfit!" Arin teased. Dan shrugged with a smile still before nodding to me.

"Blame her, I told her pick and she figured this now and the famous blue one kimono later." Dan squeezed my hand gently watching me look up at him with a grin.

"Well Little One, this will definitely be no longer a secret. You sure you wanna do this still?" Arin warned teasingly. I rolled my eyes before nodding.

"Duh! Why not start now, and be better at it once he and I are hitched?" I suggested. Arin nodded seeing my point. Suzy wandered up with a tablet and hugged me tight. She had a great smile on already even if it was early still.

"She'll be fine, I got faith!" Suzy nodded to me with a wink. I smiled back to her liking that she had such a positive attitude. Ross I noticed was leaning on Holly looking under slept. I waved to them both and giggled as Holly held up Ross's hand for him to flop it in a wave back. Ross groned with a yawn before standing straight.

"Okay so we have like enough time for breakfast then um, are we going to Mark's panel? Or are we gonna just pal around and do whatever?" Arin looked between all of us and let ideas flow.

"Well I know [Y/N] said she wanted to see his panel. So her and I will totally be that way." Dan spoke up first.

"Okay um, Ross, you have to like do something before the panel to wake the fuck up dude. The zombie thing is not, it's not happenin'." Arin spoke a little serious to his friend. Ross saluted him as another yawn betrayed him.

"I guess Holly and I can walk around, grab coffee, like a shit ton." Ross sounded dead. Holly nodded like that was more than likely going to be their plans.

"Barry?" Arin looked over to Barry whom had a bag over his shoulder.

"Yeah?" Barry stepped closer to Arin, Dan, Suzy, and I.

"You and Kev doing anything?" Arin shrugged curious. Barry nodded to Dan and I indicating he'd be going with us.

"We were gonna head to Mark's panel, crash it then go pillage the other booths before us." Barry grinned at his choice of wording as Arin chuckled while nodding that it was a good plan.

"Okay cool, uh apparently, cause this was last minute, Suzy and I are up for some interview thing in a moment, so we'll probably just hang around the main floor before we head on in. Um we are on at like five? So meet by the doors at 4:50? If you're going to be late, text someone, anyone, alright?" Arin sounded like a leader and a father all in one. Everyone set an alarm nodding as he listed a few more things. Like not to be afraid if shit got weird. Security was everywhere today because of Mark and us. It was surreal to be on this side of the fence I had to admit.

"Okay uh, Barry did you and Kev wanna walk with us? Or did you guys wanna just meet up?" Dan asked passed Arin. Barry shrugged then looked to Kevin who looked up from his phone waving us off.

"We'll meet up I guess, say like a half hour?" Barry shrugged. Dan nodded and stepped passed everyone.

"We're gonna take off then, see you guys!" Dan and I waved as everyone started packing up their devices to go. We walked out into the weather and I hacked not ready for the burst of pure hot, dry, air. Dan 'awwed' with a chuckle as we walked to the building.

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