Chapter Sixty-Seven

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"Holy fuck it's you!" a rather high-pitched squeal came a second after the gasp. Dan and I spun around to see a 5'4 girl with medium length, brown hair, slender stature, and wide blue eyes. Her hands were covering her mouth as she bounced in place, clearly shocked to see, from following her gaze, Danny. Dan smiled politely and tilted his head to her. I was about to watch him, like second nature, for the first time, talk with a fan up close and personal.

"Hi, I wanna guess," Dan teased her, "mmm- lovely?" Dan lazily pointed to her as he guessed. She giggled and nodded. He smiled wider and she couldn't have turned redder.

"How could anyone not love thee Not-So-Grump?" the girl squealed. I looked up at Dan to see him snicker to himself in a thought before answering her.

"Honestly, you'd be surprised! But hey, thanks for the compliment!" Dan's cheery voice was heartwarming. He was very most appreciative and that was just him being him. I couldn't help but smile up at him.

"So, um, I saw the, the thing! On the plane! Is this, [Y/N]?" the girl caught me off guard and I watched Dan looked down at me, proud, and now smiling wider. Dan ran a couple fingers through my hair and nodded.

"Yup! She is my new roomie! Well once all things are settled." Dan jokingly rolled his eyes and the girl looked to me with a smile and offered a handshake.

"I just gotta say, you are really pretty, and I checked out your channel! You had me at the Markiplier collab idea! Nice to meet you, I'm Samantha!" The nervousness of her own was wearing off and I smiled wide back.

"It's an honor really! I really started it as a pass time, but hey, looks like maybe more now, eh?" I lightly joked and she giggled at me like she had at Dan. Dan's hand ghosted my back for a second. I felt a little calmer wondering if that was means that I was doing alright.

"You definitely can call me a fan! I really like how you're down to earth! It's a good feeling being able to relate to someone like you!" Samantha mused. Dan winked down at me when I glanced at him.

"Hey! So would you want a picture or something before we get out of here?" Dan offered sweetly and Samantha lit up like a freakin' Christmas tree!

"Oh shit! You have no idea how much you've made my year!!" Samantha beamed. She took out her phone and wrapped her arm around Dan and I. We got close and all three smiled. Once she snapped the photo Dan hugged her lightly. She gave me one as well and waved as she almost skipped off to go show her friends that had been waiting.

"Well done, babe!" Dan congratulated me. I turned to grab my bags as Dan grabbed his. I looked back to him with a sigh that sounded more tiring than it had meant to be.

"I was so unsure how that was going to go after the last time I ran into one of your fans." I said shaking my head. Dan set his stuff down for a moment and gently took mine out of my hands. He placed them on the other side of him and gesture for me to step into a hug. I complied and wrapped my arms around him. I felt him sway a little before a kiss to my hair was apparent.

"Don't think I wasn't ready for anything at that moment. Once you go through that sorta shit, you seem to just be on your toes for a while. Was very cool to see her give you props as well. If she hadn't I was going to totally plug you!" Dan pulled away with a giggle and looked down at me. I couldn't help but smile at how supportive and how he wanted to include me.

"Well thank you Dan. I will say, I sort of was glad her nerves calmed down. I felt almost bad that she was so anxious!" I was remembering how I felt when I met Dan, personally. Dan smiled and nodded at the thought.

"Personal experience, hm?" he was syncing up with my thought process. I nodded quickly and had to giggle.

"Of course! I mean did I look like that as well?" I questioned now the moment I had barely said anything to him due to anxieties of my own. Dan snickered trying to avoid teasing me.

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