Chapter Ninety

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The morning came quicker than I thought. There were movements around the apartment and voices coming from everywhere. I blinked my eyes open, confused, grouchy, and still nude. Danny's arms had me still tucked to him and I let my eyes fall back shut nuzzling his neck with my nose. I small, sleepy, inhale through his nose had me guess he was becoming aware of my motion. I felt muscles twitch and a swallow caused the Adam's apple to bounce. I then slowly felt Dan stretch cautiously starting from his legs up. When he recovered a warm set of chapped lips met my forehead. His arm that I had slept on was pulling me closer even and I heard the morning detest of a hum that he loved to give when he wasn't quite ready to get up.

"Why does it sound like Barry has a zoo over?" Dan barely mumbled in a raspy tone. He must had also heard the obvious stampede like sounds coming from the front rooms.

"No idea, but I'm scared to go see." I pressed a small peck to Dan's collar bone as I snuggled him. I heard a throat-snicker of approval to this as a thin, long, set of fingers brushed my hair back. I smiled to myself since he couldn't quite see me. Mornings were the best for either of us to be together in my opinion. We were most clingy and just wanting nothing more than the warmth of the other.

"Told you so, by the way." Dan mumbled but had a hint of a teasing tone. It almost made me shift to see his features but I remained still. I felt a hand softly rubbing my back via fingertips as I tried to figure out silently what the hell he meant. "You're trying to guess, I can see the smoke rising from your pretty little head." Dan called me out sounding a little clearer in voice. I could tell his sinuses needed clearing, but the thought of how he could guess was simple. He was learning me still.

"Why not just out with it then, dork." I teased him back and earned more movement. Danny's arms and torso shifted. He made a little space so he could examine me. I looked into his still tired eyes and smiled. Danny then dipped his head to softly kiss and nuzzle my neck. I hummed in delight as he spoke softer.

"Not-so-grump says she's not-so-crabby after a night with him." Danny's subtle hint to my mood being not as vile this morning was a little right. He did know how to sooth the savage beast for the morning. I had to give him that. I giggled in response to his name though. Danny's kisses were almost a tickle as I noticed he was slowly chasing me to the other side of the bed trying to love on me. We wound up almost diagonal before he rolled on top of me holding my sides still. His sleepy smile and closeness was enough to have me grin back at him like he was the sun to me.

"Maybe someone knows the beasts weakness, hm?" I played with the idea and Dan raised eyebrows with a biting lip. I curled my arms under his and rested my hands on his back. Danny leaned to press his lips to mine. He was so close to deepening it when a large 'boom' from the living room. Dan and I literally jumped sitting up holding the other from being startled.

"Babe, I think their unloading the van. That or Barry is seriously done already and is moving out because of us." Danny tried to joke and I giggled then shoved him a little.

"I didn't shove my head between your legs as well, that was all your fault last night!" I teased him as he gripped me up peppering me with kisses.

"Oh trust me, I know, I happen to remember being on the receiving end of your gorgeous forthcomings." Danny teased back and nipped my cheek. I squeaked a little loud and instantly the moment was over as we froze. Dan's and mine's hearing was elevated and we noticed both at the same time, it got quiet, fast, outside the door.

"Babe," I whispered, "I think we need to find those clothes you had me in, and I think we need to prepare ourselves." I tapped for Dan to let me go and he stayed still. I couldn't tell if he was waiting on confirmation that indeed they all were out there, moving my things, now listening to see if we were really doing other things, or that he was just still startled. "Dan?" I whispered again and tapped his arm that still remained tightened around me.

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