Chapter Forty-Seven

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It felt like an hour or two before Dan and I calmed down. Occasionally one of us would hiccup or sniffle. Dan could have done a million more takes if they had asked, but since his co-star was out of commission they wrapped for the day. Dan and I were to a point of staring at the other occasionally whispering sweet nothing's and sighing. I pecked his lips once more before he broke our silence.

"Mmm, Baby?" Dan's voice was raspy and low. It was above a whisper but still for some reason he sounded like heaven. 

"What handsome?" I quietly said back while running my fingers through his hair. He looked up with a small grin as he watched my arm for a moment. He reached up and stopped me by gently taking my hand with his. Our fingers laced and I watched him examine our movements. His smile was wide just looking down at them. He panned back up to me and bit his lip before speaking.

"I, um, fuck," he nervously chuckled, "after um, totally just like flooding the place and spilling our hearts out on the couch, can we um, try? Uh, just try and redo that entire day that I completely fucked up? Please, baby?" Dan looked hopeful and I thought for a moment. I didn't honestly want a redo on that day. I wanted a new start.

"No." I said looking down. Dan shifted and I heard him inhale sharply. I looked back up at him and knew he was thinking the worst. "I want us to have a fresh, real, start. I need us to actually, finally, just follow through with what we want. I love you so much, Danny. We have nothing to hide anymore. So can we please just be together? Can we just move forward?" I searched in Dan's eyes for an answer. He caught what I meant and I let him work it through. Dan swallowed hard as he nodded.

"Okay. I like that. Really." Dan smiled as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged his neck and felt his lips press to my cheek until I let go. I sat back on his knees and smiled as well. Dan looked over toward his clothes and looked back at me. "So what do you say to a late lunch? Hm?" he tilted his head as he waited for my response. I realized I actually was starving since Mark and I never ate. After being quite the emotional mess, a nice, quiet, place sounded amazing.

"I think that sounds great!" I giggled. Dan grabbed my face and pecked my lips.

"Kay, lemme get dressed and we are outta here!" he chuckled as I slipped off his lap. I stood up to stretch as he made his way around me to his kimono collection. I sat back down and watched him pull out a hanger with a white under t-shirt and his pastel lavender plaid shirt. He laid it down and pulled out boxers with a folded pair of his ripped jeans. I leaned on my hand as I tucked my legs under me. Dan looked up and suddenly looked like he was thinking way too much.

His wheels were turning and I narrowed my eyes. The sides of his mouth twitched into a devious smile if I ever saw one. Dan sauntered backwards and fiddled with his belt. I squinted my eyes shut and shook my head slowly. I was grinning and blushing as he slowly pulled the belt loose. I ran my hand over my mouth and looked up still grinning. He bit his lower lip and held on to each side while doing a small shimmy. I was giggling quietly as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Are you," I had to control my giggles, "are you really stripping for me?" I kept giggling as he pulled the kimono tightly around him and puckered his lips.

"Do you uh," Dan slowly cat walked to me, "wanna find out if I'm totally freeballin' or not, gorgeous?" Dan wiggled his eyebrows again and I chuckled loudly.

"I saw you had boxers in your uh," I pointed towards his clothes, "small pile over there, hun. So I'm going to guess, yes." I noticed he was standing over me. He held the blue, silky, kimono tightly around him and twisted back and forth.

"Maybe, they're new ones, hm?" Dan slid his hand up his chest as the other held it still around him. He slowly sucked on his pointer finger while I laughed bashfully.

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