Chapter One-Hundred-Fourteen

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"Hiya folks!" Mark started off his panel with a greeting. I grinned up at one of my best friends as he walked around continuing to open up his panel. "Today I have assumed you gathered here to gaze up all our sexy faces, except Wades!" Mark teased watching Wade roll his eyes shaking his head.

"Um Mark, what if I was here for Wade?" Jack spoke up with a laugh. Mark placed a hand on his hip and shook his head.

"Come on Jack, don't give him that sort of false hope now!" Mark teased more getting a laugh from everyone. Wade sighed dramatically shaking his head more.

"That's okay Mark, I'll just tell these guys that you're secretly just upset cause you're going bald too." Wade chimed in trying to not seem so easy to make fun of. Wade smoothed over the crown and pointed to Mark whom was frantically shaking his head.

"No, No! Don't, don't listen to this lying son of a bitch! He's jealous cause I have hair, and he doesn't and just, SHUT UP WADE!" Mark sputtered purposely with a head nod at the last part. I was giggling like everyone else and even heard Dan snickering to my left. When I looked up at him Dan was grinning at me liking that I was having a good time. His hand I felt come up and comb through my hair which naturally had me rest my head on his shoulder as we watched more chaos ensue.

"Okay Mark, uh, you wanna finally have a seat here, or you gonna stand the whole time?" Bob was taking his spot with the rest of the guys waiting on Mark last as always. He was always drawn to be near the fans and interact as if he didn't belong up there.

"Well, I guess. Maybe everyone can see me a little better since I'm not as tall as some people, like Mr. Sexbang over here!" Mark poked fun at Dan's height and I felt Dan's chest rumble as he chuckled. I looked up to seem him wave Mark off to go on with it. I cracked up myself as Mark saluted me then with a proud smile. "Oh man, okay so um, oh wow thanks guys just set me in the middle." Mark climbed over Jack and almost fell into the metal seat. "Damn I feel like the president up here! Uh, MARKIPLIER FOR OFFICE!" Mark did the Nixon pose and Bob shook his head tugging him back down.

"Jesus Mark do you ever like sit still?!" Jack cracked up as Mark seemed to be moving constantly. He was drumming his fingers on the table shaking his head.

"Apparently not!" Mark laughed as well then sighed getting settled in. I realized it wasn't the crowd that needed a second to calm down, it was Mark himself!

"Okay! Well! Here we are, PegFest! How you guys feelin' about this?" Bob smiled to the other three. Jack shrugged and then giggled into his mic.

"Eh, it's okay, NO NO I'M KIDDING!" Jack got a wave of 'boos' playfully from the fans who played along. Wade nodded he was content with it and then sighed.

"It's great, I mean until Mark woke me up this morning!" Wade teased as Mark waved a finger at him.

"I am the best fucking alarm clock you could ever have!" Mark playfully gloated. I felt my cheeks hurt from smiling so much and loving their chemistry. Danny leaned his head into mine and I watched Mark eye him.

"Oh shit, you've been caught babe." I muttered to him. Dan kissed my temple and giggled.

"He can't say much cause he promised to let me make those jokes. So no worries about that." Dan gently laid his head back on mine as we continued to listen to them. They had started in on project memories that hadn't come out yet, but had some good times doing. Wade seemed to be the butt of a ton of jokes, but that was normal for these guys. He was almost like a cuddlier Ross to me and I wondered if every channel that involved friends wound up that way. Mark and Jack teased a new game series they had a little help in making and the crowd lost their shit with that. Bob and Wade scoffed over this idea and it was funny how they planned to make an entire game dedicating it to be about how they could be more awesome than Mark and Jack.

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