Chapter Thirty-One

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I had tried three out of the seven different sauces Dan had ordered for us. I seemed to enjoy one that tasted very rich in something that was like garlic almost. Dan had traded me a spring roll for one of my Cali Rolls and we hummed in time with how well everything was tasting. Our wine glasses had been refilled almost twice now and I could tell we were feeling it. My entire body was warm, but I was still aware of everything. Including Dan getting slightly giggly.

"B-Baby! How's your sushi!?" Danny giggled and made a face like a fish. I cackled at his silly face and nodded.

"Oh god, Dan! It's actually amazing, babe. Thank you again for doing this!" I laughed as he nonchalantly sat back and shrugged.

"It's all for you!" He smiled. I took another sip of whine after our third time toasting over just being out.

"Well I assume there is another stop?" I asked suspiciously. Dan nodded quickly with a smile.

"Of course! We aren't getting dessert here, well, okay, nor the next place, but hush, it doesn't matter!" Dan cackled at his attempt to make sense. I rolled my eyes knowing if he had another refill we were walking home. I held my hand and he tilted his head still grinning, "Wha-what are you doing, hun?" he asked confused.

"Give me the bill and your card, I'll go pay before you turn into a fish!" I giggled. He shook his head and cleared his throat.

"Baby, really, I'm totally fine. Here I'll go pay the nice people, kay?" He shifted to get up and I was nervous how his balance was. From passing events, I prayed he had it really. Sure enough, he did actually stand straight, kinda. He giggled as I apparently looked afraid for him, "S-stop, you're looking at me like I'm drunk, I said I'm okay." Danny reassured me as he walked to go pay. I rose up just fine grabbing my purse and meeting him at the door. He held it open for me as I walked through the other I got it for him. He bowed like a gentleman and I chuckled. The cooler air hit us and suddenly I was being carried.

"Danny! What the hell, why!?" I held on for dear life as he set me on the trunk of the car.

"What! Come on, I didn't go down any stairs this time!" He threw his arms up and laughed. I pulled him by his jacket to me while he leaned down to kiss me. It was slow but building the longer I let it. He hummed for a moment and I felt his hands wandering a little. I pulled back and his eyes were hungry, but not for food. Dan looked to the car and back to me for a moment. I hated when he thought to himself because his facial expressions were harder to read.

"Well? Are we going to get a ticket for PDA or wasn't there somewhere else we had to be?" I snapped him out of his thought. He leaned in to scoop me off the trunk and placed me by the passenger door. He held me close with a grin and I felt something against my thigh.

"You have no idea how bad I wanna skip to dessert." Dan looked pained and I smiled at his comment. He looked down with me and nodded, "Yeah I really want to, but I promised, so totally going to suck this one up, and be patient. I've asked you to be, so I need to be." Dan opened the door and I slid back in. He rushed to his side and got in quickly. He pulled me over to him and sucked the air out of my lungs as he continued to make out with me in the car now. I pulled away breathing a little harder as Dan smiled huge whilst finally starting the car.

"Okay, so I bet I can guess what dessert is. Now, here is a way off topic, but relatable thought." I waited for Dan to give me a look to continue as he pulled into traffic, "Barry is going to be where?" I shrugged. Dan looked to me and sighed.

"He's um, going to be, home. I have a specific job for him." Dan bit his lip through a smile. I was now so confused, but had to know anyway.

"What is his duty, captain?" I asked sensually which made Dan make a face of frustration.

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