Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I shut the door as Dan walked passed me sprawl out on the bed. He sighed in comfort and I sat there smiling at his sleepy face.

"I miss staying here too late and just crashing in this bed!" Dan mused.

"Oh, I didn't know you did that?" I tilted my head and wondered if anyone else did with him.

"Yeah, all the time, Barry and I used to live farther and it would just be a long night and I'd be falling asleep standing up waiting on Arin and eventually he just would tell me to stay." Dan had his hands behind his head and looked over as I continued to listen, but was looking for something comfortable to game in.

"Well, so, did you ever, um share this room?" I asked cautiously. Dan grinned at my wonder and he shook his head.

"Nah, anything that was involving sharing I either would take a weekend out of town, or take my business to my place. I mean it's been totally forever since my chambers were graced with a woman's presence." Dan explained calmly and eventually sat up. I was laying out what I finally found and felt him take my hand and pull me to his lap. He had his feet planted off the foot of it and I sat sideways with my arms automatically wrapped around him. He was thinking of something and I waited patiently before he spoke again. "You should stay with me soon. It was still really fucked up how I did you today," he looked down at my lap and sighed, "Like I promise that won't happen again and I am going to make it up to you. You are worth it. I want us to go on an actual fucking date where we actually hang out and talk about a million things that are pointless. I want to go back to my place and treat you to dessert and whatever else happens. Even if I don't get a good night kiss, I would rather be able to just totally one moment that is between you and I and is about us getting to know each other a lot better than a quickie in a guest room or elevator. I mean come on, our process was started through texting. Kinda messed up don't ya think?" Dan had a good point. I didn't even notice really that we didn't honestly ever talk about much except for a moment or two at the con. I smiled and also did remember he has a different lifestyle than most common dudes.

"Well, tomorrow night, I am free. If you are free then maybe we can work something out? I mean your life is way different than making a simple date and following through. I mean tomorrow I am sure you guys are back to normal and that is you helping track Starbomb's new album, grumping, and I will be helping Arin and Ross and Barry is talking to me about stuff, so we both, actually, are going to like lose ourselves in this." I tried my best to not freak out and apparently it didn't work so well. Dan smiled wide and nodded, but he held a finger up.

"Yes, we are going to probably be tons of busy, but, what's fun is that Arin will have all three of us in on projects, and I track and stuff from wherever I am because I use my laptop to do so, so I totally can just be lazy one night with you here or my place and work on that. Now the grump sessions I won't see you unless I need something, which I refuse to have a waitress and a girlfriend so Ross will be the one I call as usual incase I need a water or whatever. More than likely on those days you'll be working with Barry or Ross even. So our schedules may ya know not meet on certain days or weeks, but I am still around. I may even pop in on my Instagram thing and bother you. I mean not like Ross with Holly cause I hear sometimes she is actually working and he's like bouncing around trying to get a comment from her and she clearly looks aggravated." Dan chuckled and yet reassured me as well. I hugged him and he held me for another moment before looking back to me.

"So you really believe we're gonna work huh?" I asked him with a grin. He took my face in his hands and leaned his forehead onto mine.

"Yes, I fucking do." He said softer and with a chuckle. I placed my hands over his and nodded. I had to trust him on this because I still was moving out here as well.

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