Chapter Ninety-One

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Suzy and I walked towards the front door to see that the rest of the van had been unloaded. She and I nodded together liking this scene. However, we also began to laugh as Arin pressed play on his phone and a familiar song started playing. Arin, Dan, and Barry all had climbed on the top of it and I started laughing as they all started lip singing the song.

"I WANNA ROCK!" Dan called out like the song and had a pretty intense mug going on.

"ROCK!" Barry and Kevin called back being his backup. All three of them started head banging with the instrumental part.

"I WANT TO ROCK!" Dan sung more out and the guys called back again. Danny jumped into my bed smoothly as the verse came on. He posed with his left foot planted ontop of the closed tailgate and right on in the bed still. His left elbow rested on his bent knee and he leaned forward to me as he belted out the verse. "Turn it down you say, well all I got to say to you is time and time again I say" Danny made the motions as if it were a stage. His 'Attitude City' person shined through as they continued. "NO!"

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" The boys backed him up then jumping into the bed as well.

"Tell me not to play! Well, all I got to say to you when you tell me not to play, is NO!" Dan leaned more and I stepped to him climbing on the tailgate and getting in his face.

"No no, no no, no!" I sung back to him under the guys who were still belting it out. It came out more intimate as I leaned more to him. Danny knew the music was loud enough to where the guys wouldn't notice what I was doing to their Dee Snider. Arin jumped passed Dan and marched up to Suzy whom I barely caught doing the next part of the bridge.

"So, if you ask me why I like the way I play it, there's only one thing I can say to you!" Arin sang loudly as he grabbed Suzy's hips. I took my attention back to Dan whom was not backing away as our noses touched from being right in the others space. Barry jumped and grabbed Dan away before he could kiss me as the chorus came back. Dan let his hair fly with a nod as he jumped to pose with the words.

"I WANNA ROCK!" They then yelled over the song instead of just lip singing it. I threw up metal horns as Arin jumped back on and air guitar-ed with them. Suzy climbed up and nudged me as we laughed at the supposed new line-up for Twisted Sister. By the end of it and much screaming to be had just for fun, Dan had leaned as the song faded out back to me and I pulled from the back of his hair his lips to mine in a sloppy yet very open-mouthed kiss. Danny slipped his tongue to me and the hoots of everyone was enough to break us apart to laugh with them. Eventually I helped Dan down, even if he could have done it to be pulled into his arms from behind as we faced everyone else and the last like three boxes.

"Oh man, for a second I thought I was in a corny eighties vid!" Arin laughed as he slighty hit Barry's shoulder. Barry nodded and wiped sweat off his forehead.

"Holy shit that was intense jumping to her truck!" Barry commented pointing from the two heights. Dan I felt nodding with him.

"Fucking, right! Totally was like praying my clumsy ass didn't decide to take stage then! That would have blown so hard!" Dan raved and I watched Arin shake his head.

"Dude, like you jumped, and I was like oh shit can't have me up here pussin out! So I was like fuck it! Watched my life flash before my eyes and shit!" Arin exaggerated but it was funny. Suzy shook her head but was beaming. Arin kissed her temple as he grabbed her up close to how Dan had me.

"Buddy why didn't you get up there?" I asked Ross as he shook his head looking back up to the van.

"Nah, not my thing." Ross replied casually. Holly rolled her eyes then pointed with her thumb at him.

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