Chapter Forty-One

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****[Y/N]'s POV****

It had been a huge adjustment to be back home, but it did happen. I did eventually turn back on my phone, but changed my number. All the twenty missed calls from Arin and such were gone when I got a new phone. It was like a fresh start. I had eventually hit it off with my channel on YouTube and was known for just reviewing different things. From music to movies, to foods and drinks, and anything else! I did a few game reviews set up as let's plays as well. One of which was mentioned by none other than Markiplier! It made me so giddy when he had said that because the next morning I had an email of him inviting me out to his apartment to possibly do a fun let's play and have him show me around! It took me a while to determine this. I knew last time my visit was eventful and that was just with the Grumps.

Speaking of, they continued on as normal and no one ever questioned whatever happened to me. It was okay with me because it made the process of not crying myself to sleep every night better. Trust me it also helped not seeing Dan's face as well. I watched episodes here and there but not as much as I used to. It was business as usual from what it seemed so I left it alone. I opened up the email and decided to accept Mark's sweet offer.

                Hi Mark! I read your email and figured I could never turn down your lovely facial piece! Just send me details and such so I can come see you and we get that video going! Can't wait!

                With love and stuff,


I hit send and looked over to my camera. I hit record since it was my day off I could do a small announcement before I started my day.

"Hey there ladies and gentlesirs! [Y/N] here with a huge message that is totally not completely sorta meant to brag on! Kidding kidding, but if you guys remember when I was reviewing Minecraft for just a fun time there were a TON of hits on it. One of the likes I received was from Markiplier himself! Now if you know whom this awesome dude is, then you are freaking out, for those who have no idea? Get out from under your rocks and hit his channel up! He plays tons of games, is so humble and honest, and just is amazing all around! So! My announcement to you all is that I will personally be starring, well co-starring, in a let's play with him! Yes! I will be visiting California and cannot wait! It has been a million years it felt like since this has happened! I am hoping to have a good time, I'm sure Mark will make sure of that, he seems like a great buddy to have so yeah! Can't wait to go, I'm actually getting off here now so I can check this email, he literally, just sent! See you all soon! Bye!!"

I sounded off and hit upload. I sat back and clicked over to my Gmail account. Mark's email read back that he had taken the offer for me and had information about my flight he paid for. I shook my head at his nice gesture as I responded with my huge thank you! I printed off the stub with everything on it and flew into my room to pack. I had recently updated my graphic tee collection and took a couple new ones with me. I had purchased a shirt with the Game Grumps new logo, even though things had gone the way they had, I still supported them. Mark had a shirt of his own and that was going too. I planned on sporting it for the vid just to make it awkward, but funny. I smiled as I folded my last one which was not so much a wear, but something I just felt not ready to let go of.

When I had come back from California the first time I hadn't realized I had packed a certain Rush shirt when I threw my clothes in my bags. It was when I folded my laundry and seen it I pretty much fell to pieces over it. I also was then struck with the memory of that he still had the outfit Suzy had me wear when we...well anyway so I also grabbed my laptop and such and noticed I needed to head to the store for random things as well. I hopped into the truck to go do so when my notifications went off on my phone. I shrugged it off figuring I'll check after I get to the place and park.

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