Chapter Seventy-One

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****Dan's POV****

It was never the last part, first part, or fucking middle part that I loved most about how I put [Y/N] out. It was my part. The one part she never got to feel. The part that on I personally had. It was the part those adorable lips puckered and that content sigh escaped from said lips. It was then, my cue, to press my lips as tender as I could to that forehead. Nothing, nothing was the same after tonight. I had seen it in her eyes earlier. Her entire system linked with itself and I watched us both realize, this was it. This was our next stepping stone, milestone, timeline tick, what the hell ever you could call it. We were going to begin another chapter tomorrow. I was excited. I mean sure, yeah, it's her. It's always been her. She even totally knew it. She rocked my world, hard, and I liked it.

I gently rolled her over to her side knowing that even if it had been once, a night terror with no backup would ruin me. I was strong for her, brave even, but that whole scare shut me down faster than a baseball bat to the sack. I watched her readjust as I wrapped my arms around her. I kept her small hand on my chest. It was forever that she needed that small touch. I smiled to the peaceful body that seemed to have drooled a little already. I gently wiped my thumb on the corner of her mouth and dried it on the blanket. She was a trip, man. Not even a drug-induced trip feel, nah, she was totally this mindset I wish I had known so much longer, but it was okay. Things I never thought I would fuckin even imagined I'd plan, I was indeed planning.

I sighed myself, and let my head wander to the night where we all just bullshitted in the basement. I hummed remembering telling Ross and them the idea I had. I still was going to do it. I was going to bring her into my world with me. It was inevitable for her to be meant for this. I mean, I was kidding when I had said she'd have to describe her husband's bizarre career, but at the same time it's what I do! I love my job, my friends, my family, and of course my sweet angel. I mean next up was, well, that's years beyond us to talk about.

I came back into the bedroom. It was dark but the weird cotton candy colors almost illuminated it. I looked around to see a few things hanging up. One was a Guitar Hero decal she saved. I smiled wondering how well she played that one. I scanned over to her plain dresser. It was white but looked almost as old as I. It was so cliché of me to then think that maybe it was time I considered getting us a set for the bedroom so we could live just a little more comfortable with all our wardrobe. I knew for sure my closet was going to be split. I also could have just let her have it. Totally going to have to talk more about this when she's not passed out. I found myself then wishing I could sleep. It was quiet but morning quiet. I knew the sun was going to rise sooner than later and if I don't catch at least a three hour drift, she'd kill me.

Oh that'd always been my luck. Insomnia, night terrors, cold body all the fuckin time. I was a mess. Yet, I had a woman whom loved and cared about me way beyond anyone ever did. Except Arin. I almost let myself begin to imagine him and I's better hits when I heard something familiar come from [Y/N].

"Mmm, Danny, right...there." [Y/N] moaned softly and I almost felt like I was intruding. I brushed her hair from her face and froze when she shifted. "Yeah-mmm, agh," she was totally getting laid by Dreamland Danny and I held back a snicker so hard it hurt. I was so tempted to wake her up when something else decided to join my night thoughts. I swore it sucked being a guy sometimes!

I felt Excalibur attempt to answer her calls and I sighed heavily. I had no idea what I was going to do. I thought about sneaking to the bathroom to work one out, but what if she caught me? A hiss escaped [Y/N]'s lips and I huffed really stuck in a literal rock and a hard penis, I meant, uh, pace. I inched my groin away from what would be her torso and lean my upper half more towards her. I decided to leave the idea of fucking her while she slept for another time. I softly caressed her cheek and she gripped up my shirt with the hand that had been resting peacefully.

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