Chapter One-Hundred-Four

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"Shhhh Mr. Alarm, back to hell with...thee." Dan mumbled as his phone raged loudly. We had been making sure to double time it so we didn't have to worry so much at work. Arin and the rest of the clan had agreed it was a great decision, just, we all lost time in how much we accomplished that the morning we had to fly out to PegFest seemed to sneek up on everyone. It was still dark out as my eyes barely opened before squeezing back shut. Not that I needed to squeeze but it helped relax them easier. This entire week had been almost how Dan mentioned his Decembers. We all felt as if we holed up in the office until we were more than okay with content.

I sighed as I laid on my stomach and snuggled my pillow. Dan's phone had been quiet for a minute and it was slowly back to dreamland for me. I was just about there in the comfort of our bed when a hand rubbed my back softly and an angel spoke softly trying to not upset me. Even if I had promised, with how little sleep I had gotten, I still had snapped at an ever so patient Danny a couple times. "Baby, come on, we can sleep in the room, I promise, baby-girl, come on beautiful, I'll make you coffees? Momma likes when Daddy brings her coffees." Dan sung it all out softly trying to encourage me not to turn savage and also slither out of bed.

Dan's technique, he discovered, and it worked for the both of us, had been to bring me coffee in bed and just let me wake up without a word. Yet when it was three in the morning and not even the birds were ready to get the worms, Dan was being extra cautious it seemed. I huffed and turned to him but not snuggling. I groaned fighting to have to respond to the offer knowing it would wake me up more. "Okay fine, no coffees, what about 'nuggles?" Danny sung it out asking again softly and I whined into a growl indicating that was a no. Dan's fingers trailed down my bare arm then and back up rubbing my shoulder. He let it grow quiet which had me feeling that was best for the time being until that coffee idea seemed safe.

His hand trailed from my shoulder to my back and when I sighed out content finally it was softly petting my hair back soothingly. I didn't speak yet but finally reached over with my left hand and tugged his thinner arm for him to come to me. I could hear Danny's smile in his exhale that held a hint of a chuckle as he slid over for once and let me cuddle to him. I fit myself under his chin and nuzzled his chest as I got comfy again trying still to wake up with no casualties. Dan's right arm held my back as his left hand came around to keep stroking my hair more. I rested my hands on his chest and tangled my legs with his with another sigh as he just waited for me to come around.

"Danny." I whined into him softly. Dan leaned back to look at me and I heard him chuckle softly as he continued with his fingers going through my hair.

"What baby?' Dan cooed back and I whined with no wording not wanting to move. I realized it was a bad idea to think I'd want to get up if we snuggled. "Tell me, it's okay, what is it?" Dan kept his voice soft and I sighed feeling his warm lips press to my forehead.

"I don't wanna move, cancel the flight, I just want my bed and my hubby!" I whined louder into his chest. Danny snickered low and held me tighter to him hushing me softly.

"Shh babe, I'm right here, I know though, it is awfully comfy, but we can't cancel this. We worked to hard to skip town now. I promise though, I booked a hell of a room, we can nap or 'nuggle after check in since we have till later that day to go explore. Okay?" Dan's soft explanation earned him a nod from me as I brushed my lips under his jaw before burying my face into his neck. Danny's right hand slowly rubbed circles into my back causing me to close my eyes and take shallow breaths. Once he realized what he was doing to me I felt his palm slide down my side and grab up my butt.

"Hubby, not now, it's too early, and don't even use the early-riser bull." I groaned pulling his hand away and placing it on my side. Dan giggled softly and let his hand slide higher to massage my upper back. I hummed more content and heard Dan breathe out before kissing my hair.

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