Chapter Forty-Five

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I groaned into the pillow as my phone made sure to sound my alarm loud and clear. I heard Mark stumbling up the staircase grunting due to not being awake yet. He huffed leaning on the doorway after throwing the door open. I lifted my head to look at him with a yawn. I let it fall back into the pillow.

"What is life?" I mumbled into it. Mark hacked up a lung before answering.

"Hell, right now, it is fucking hell. I'm so tired. Apparently you are as well." He grumbled. I shifted to turn over to my back. I sighed heavy before turning back to try and respond. Another yawn stopped me which passed over to Mark.

"Dude, what time do we have to be there?" I exaggerated 'have' because if I could catch another minute while Mark got ready it would be almost like gold.

"Um," he blinked at his phone. It took me a moment to notice he was without his glasses, "I have to be there at, god, eight?" he mumbled. I shook my head seeing that he had a half hour.

"Guess you have to get ready huh?" I mumbled back to him. He nodded with a yawn and moseyed to the bathroom. He stopped and turned around to say something.

"Uh, I don't shower long, and I'm sure you'd like to not see prince Sexbang-Charming smelling like butter." He shrugged as I nodded.

"I can get ready pretty quick so go shower, I'll find clothes, and I'll meet you to leave?" I shrugged now as he nodded. He shuffled back to go get ready. I slid out of bed and sat on the floor next to my clothes. I found a regular black v-neck t-shirt. I matched it to a pair of bootcut jeans and pulled my boots out. I figured an edgy look worked for how I was feeling about later. It was almost a feeling of going into battle. I smelled some amazing scent that was of body wash as Mark approached my doorway again.

"Okay, I'm awake and out, it's all yours ma lady!" Mark's chipper tone returned I assumed because he was awake now.

"Okay, going." I flatly said still not awake. He chuckled at how pitiful I must have looked. My hair was messed up, I was sitting on the floor, and I'm sure my face was just so full of nope. I stood slowly as Mark bounced back downstairs. I shuffled now to the bathroom and shut the door. It was a medium sized space. The black and white tile was small but it matched the bigger patter on the walls. Mark's mirror was medium sized with all black trim. I pulled back the black shower curtain and turned on the hot water I stepped in after undressing and began to just let my head wander as I bathed.

I stepped out with the steam engulfing me and toweled off. I hummed to myself but was interrupted when my phone went off. I wrapped my hair after changing into my outfit and leaned against the counter as I saw Dan had texted me.

                Morning beautiful. I am already in makeup and wardrobe. Early as fuck, but I said I had plans. You're welcome to join me for those if you'd like? ;) No biggie. But I am going to go and shoot, hope to see you soon! —Danny Sexbang

I smiled warmly at the fact he was indeed Danny Sexbang right now. I replied back as I headed back down the hall to grab my brush.

                Morning! Already hard at work, I'm so proud! I just got out of the shower and changed. Don't have too much fun there Danny! And yes I would like to join you, :D have fun shooting, don't hurt yourself, and I will be there soon! Xo

I sent the message as I began to tame my [Y/H/C] hair. It was seeming to fight me due to lack of conditioner. I heard Mark open his front door and scream it was nice out. I giggled loud after hearing him and noticed we both were awesome getting ready with little time. I shook my hair out and brushed it one more time before heading downstairs. Mark came back and looked at me up and down.

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