Chapter Eighty-Four

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"No no, she's still sleeping, man." Dan's voice came to me as I slowly woke up. I felt like I had slept for eons. A hand softly caressed my face as I laid still just not ready to move.

"Well wake her ass up! Come on now, I even have Suzy driving this early!" Arin came back in over the radio. I heard Dan sigh probably disagreeing with waking me up. Little did he know I was playing opossum.

"Dude, she's like snuggled up so adorably, I just-" Dan was beginning to describe my position when Arin cut him off.

"Lame! You are so stupid-mushy for her! I wanna be you're like dead tired, but heaven forbade the man rest! It's not like she'll escape!" Arin was getting at a point Danny had made last night. His sleeping patterns needed to change. I huffed quietly before stirring as if I was just waking up.

"Dude, I got," I turned to lay on my back as Dan was about to respond, "gimme a sec, dude. She's I think alive." Dan teased. I blinked my eyes open and was staring at the ceiling of my cab. A yawn helped out my act as Dan's hand grazed my forehead.

"Oh is it time for your morning handy?!" Arin was teasing some more as I stretched. I made a motion for the mic. Dan hung it infront of my face and I snagged it.

"Listen here Hanson! I am not a morning gal, and hearing your butt as I am trying to wake up, not a good idea. So just for that he may just get more. Now hush and let me wake up peacefully!" I barked. Dan reached over and turned the volume down as I handed the mic back so he could hang it up.

"You're mood sounds awesome!" Dan teased. I turned to rest on my hands looking up at him. His guilty smile knew he was gonna hear it. I grunted and balanced as my right hand held the pillow up in a threatening manner. Dan braced himself when I swatted him with it then threw it to the passenger side

"This is not a good morning. Ugh, where are we?" I huffed as I wrapped the blankets around me. I sat up sniffling and coughing a little waiting to hear it. I stared out the window trying to focus my eyes. Dan I heard snicker quietly as I shot a glare his way. "You can ride with them and I'll drive the rest of the way if you wanna be like that, Sexbang!" I snipped at him and waited for his giggles to come through. He always found two things amusing. When I was amused, or when I was mad.

"Maybe I will if you wanna be a grouch, geeze! And we're in Colorado." Dan shrugged seeming to notice I indeed was not a morning person.

"You need sleep I'll drive. Pull over or whatever." I muttered lazily. Dan immediately pulled over to the side of the road and shut the truck off. I looked over as he suddenly turned towards me.

"What, the hell, is wrong?" Danny asked sternly. I rolled my eyes and gave him a sarcastic look.

"I'm f-" I was going to say I was fine and was cut off.

"Don't even fucking tell me you're fine! Why have you woke up in such a mood?! Please share, cause you fell asleep fine, you slept fine, and all of a sudden! You snap at Arin, and then almost demand to know shit and to drive. Please just tell me what the fuck is your deal, [Y/N]." Dan's voice grew eerily softer as he spoke. I blinked at him almost more mad he didn't just let me wake up.

"I'm a terrible morning person! Okay! God! I was going to tell you, but you snapped at me!" I defended myself. Dan shook his head and glared continuously.

"No, I don't believe it. Not once have you woke up that I have witnessed in a bullshit mood, but if you wanna be like that, fine." Dan ran his hands through his hair in distress and I sighed looking up to the ceiling.

"I'm sorry, Dan." I started quietly. Dan looked at me from the side. I felt bad for just blowing up for no reason. "I shouldn't have just up and began our day like this. Really though, I'm just grouchy in the mornings, all I needed is a second to wake up." I looked over to Dan more as he bounced his leg. I slowly moved for his hand that had been resting on his knee. I laid mine over it gently and stared at it. Eventually I looked back up to see Dan had been looking at it as well.

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