Chapter Sixty-One

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Chapter Sixty-One

I looked around the room to each person as I came to a certain part that was influenced with feelings based on the person.

"Well honestly, my brother got me into it, well, the show I mean." I started. Dan seemed most interested considering I had left out a ton of details about my family. Not that it was on accident either, but they also were distant with me for a lot of my life. "He honestly showed me Amazing Frog, featuring Dan and Arin being tards." I looked up to Arin and Dan and heard Ross sigh almost as if I missed something.

"Dude, when are they not being tards?" Ross asked teasingly. Arin looked over to him and flipped him off.

"Oh dude it's about the same amount of time you go around being a douche, who knew!" Dan fired back and I giggled.

"Come on guys let her talk, I wanna know this stuff!" Suzy spoke up finding me room to continue. I thanked her and kept going.

"Yeah well it was hilarious and I was rather surprised of how much I laughed at it. You guys," I pointed to the two best buds, "were insanely goofy and I had to know more." I went on into the other playlists I watched and even slept to. I moved on to Ross and glared at him first. "Then, there was you."

I continued to look at him shaking my head slowly. "Do you know the first time I ever raged, with, these guys when after Civ 5?!" I let my rage sort of come back. Ross bowed his head and nodded.

"Go figure right? I fuck it up and never get a chance to feel like it was let go! After all this time!" Ross sighed and yet chuckled. I huffed at him causing him to look back to me.

"Oh that was only the first time! Buddy!" I felt Dan silently laughing near me, but I kept locked onto Ross. "Dude, like, do you check out? I mean mentally?" I was waiting on Ross to answer but Dan did it for him.

"Oh, god," Dan let out his laugh, "b-babe? You should know by now he does, all the fucking time, man!" Dan squeezed me still giggling while Ross took his turn to flip Dan off.

"Okay, so I also sometimes don't catch what I am going to say before I speak, so? I'm not the only one!" Ross's defense was bad. Arin was howling in disbelief and Holly I caught even looking slightly embarrassed for her husband.

"Dude, come on, we all yes, make mistakes, but you man, I just, HOW!" I was so confused to how he does it. Ross's face was flushed and I even heard Mark chuckle.

"I can't explain it, I mean it just happens, and then I realize it too late, and then it's a disaster!" Ross whined.

"Oh it's like a, dare I say, train wreck!" Mark chirped. I giggled at his pun and Arin, Dan, and Ross groaned. I felt arms tighten around me and a face bury into my neck before I continued.

"Dan, what the hell is wrong with you?" Arin asked laughing at the goofy motion. Dan's nose nuzzled my neck making me squeal as it tickled me. I looked to Arin the best I could passed Dan's hair.

"Usually he snuggles more when he is tired, so I am going to guess, Dan, are you sleepy?" I looked to the mound of hair and pushed some back with my hand. Dan nodded still buried into me and I smiled warmly.

"Well dude, maybe you should go sleep?" Arin said with a sarcastic tone. Dan snorted like he already was out and I rolled my eyes.

"Well gee that was fast, huh? Guess he won't get to hear about when I actually zoned in and really liked him being on the show!" I teased. Dan popped but blinking at me curiously.

"When? When did you?" Dan asked almost frantically. I giggled looking to Arin who rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Dan! We all know it was in the elevator!" Arin slapped his knee and cackled. I turned red again and Dan sighed looking to his best friend.

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