Chapter Eighty-Two

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"Okay so we have clothes, shoes, lady things, um-" Dan was ticking off in the livingroom, well not empty room since he and Arin shoved the couch in the back of my truck somehow. My entertainment system, games, and all were going in the office at the Grumps Space. Arin and I suggested keeping it for backup. My Xbox 360 was going to uh, my new home with Daniel and Barry, which I was trying to get used to. 'Yes my name is [Y/N] [Y/L/N], and I live in Glendale, California with my boyfriend and his brother from another mother, Barry!' I laughed to myself as I went back to paying attention to the mental list Dan seemed to have then named off three times.

"Dude, come on! We have like a day or two drive! This is going to be long and this is going to be tedious. She has EVERYTHING!" Arin was begging Dan to stop remembering things and I had been wondering as well.

"Did you get the blanket you desperately needed?" I pipped up. Dan's eyes got big and he bounced out of the room.

"I KNEW I LOVED YOU FOR SOME ODD REASON!" Dan yelled from the other room as I heard rustling. He reappeared with the blanket and a pillow.

"I said blanket, not it's buddy too!" I cocked an eyebrow as he smiled wide.

"One of us is gonna crash eventually, babe. Why not be comfy?" Dan shrugged smiling still.

"I was just gonna use you, haha!" I shrugged. Arin looked to Suzy whom was looking jokingly guilty of something.

"Annnnd what are you gonna use, cause Dan has an excellent idea, hmmmmm?" Arin bore into her and she giggled pushing him away.

"You, cause I won't drive this thing long." Suzy nodded towards the huge moving van. Arin rolled his eyes and huffed.

"Always gotta do shit! Pussy!" Arin received a small punch to the arm as he laughed before apologizing.

"So are we officially out this mother?" Dan stepped forward. Arin looked around one last time as I did. Suzy giggled and I heard Dan sigh.

"They so do it." Suzy must have said to Dan cause Arin and I were still making sure everything was with us.

"It scares me honestly, except she calls me 'Danny' all the time and he does it only when to scold me. So I mean as long as I have that ONE difference I am not as terrified. Turned on yes, but scared she's gonna wanna blonde streak soon." Dan laughed and Arin and I both snapped our heads to them.

"Glad we all can laugh at the mini-me you wanna bring home, Danny!" I watched Arin roll his eyes with a grin. I blinked up at Arin with his scowl that I started doing to him so he'd purposely freak.

"You say it like it's a bad thing Hanson!" I cocked an attitude with him and yet still was unable to not smile.

"Or maybe it's like the best thing ever!" Arin sarcastically chimed back and we both laughed high fiving.

"Honestly I prefer it to be a little less of thing." Dan said quietly. Arin glanced and Dan and back to me with a sly smile.

"Dude, just, don't, come on big brother, we got a sun to chase!" I slapped Arin on the back and pushed open the front door. I held it open as Suzy and Arin stepped out and noticed Dan was lingering. He was hesitating in the doorway looking on as Arin and Suzy slid into the front of the van. I tried to read him, but was unsure about what it could be.

"Babe?" I finally just figure I'd get his attention. Dan smiled and I noticed he looked almost like he didn't want to go. "What's wrong?" I asked letting the door swing barely shut behind me. I stepped back inside with Dan and placed my hands on his chest. He was wearing his leather jacket, same aviators, ripped other pair of jeans, and his shirt was just a plain and grey v-neck. His sigh brought my gaze up to his features and I felt a hand pull me closer while it rubbed my back.

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