Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

I squeezed my eyes shut tighter as the sunshine blinded my eyes even through my eyelids. After a night of crazy emotions and work I wasn't ready to be conscious yet. Sadly, my body betrayed me and I felt all senses coming online. I was becoming aware of my surroundings from a first morning's sleep. I sighed softly and felt an arm twitch around my bare waist. I ran my fingers along the hairy limb and smiled with my eyes still shut. I wasn't ready to open my eyes yet. I was so relaxed I felt myself grinning lazily. I sighed again and felt someone stir behind me.

The warmth and fuzzy feeling was no longer just me but a shrub of hair that suddenly was clouding the bright sun from my eyes. I felt another hand slowly pull my hair back and a warm, wet, set of lips pressed behind my ear. I slowly slid back into the familiar frame and heard it hum low. I responded in a soft hum and then heard a small chuckle. Another kiss pressed gently into my neck and I turned my head to see him. The man of my life newly and he was looking over me. His narrow face and butt chin was still collecting stubble and I made my observation to his nose and I saved his eyes for last. They were glossed over and bright with the sunlight. A caramel and chocolate mix were staring back and me and eventually a smile shown through from his angelic morning face. I reached up to push his hair back and stroke his cheek with my thumb. He showed his teeth in a bigger smile and he grazed my forehead with his thumb as he stroked my hair. He exhaled through his nose and I blinked waiting knowing he was getting ready to say something.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked quietly. I slid closer to him and played with a strand of his hair as he rested back on his elbow. He raised his eyebrows and waited for me to respond.

"I slept alright, I mean I feel like, still tired, but it's fine." I sounded raspy and finally stretched. I felt how stiff my muscles were and relaxed into Dan's arms slowly coming around me and I nuzzled his neck for once. He shifted and stroked my hair some more and I pecked kisses along his jaw. He leaned back to look at me better and grinned.

"Do you actually want to get up today?" he joked. I noticed he was still nude like me and I giggled poking his ribs and feeling him flinch. He shook his head and begged quietly that I don't continue. I knew this was going to alert someone, but my childish side of me tickled his ribs more and for the first time Danny squealed and I didn't stop. I soon felt him scoot back to far and he landed with a thud and a yelp. I hung off the side of the bed and pointed laughing hysterically until I felt arms grab me and pull me down in the floor on top of him.

"BABY! NO!" I begged loudly.

"NO WHAT?! NO WHAT BABE?!" Dan laughed loudly and proceeded to tickle my sides. I yelped and pinned his wrists to the floor and then heard footsteps by the door. I barely heard them count and all of a sudden on "three" guest door flew open and I was too worried about Dan tickling me to remember to cover us up. Arin, Barry, and Ross stood in the room over us and had their arms folded. The tsked over and over and Dan got free and threw the comforter around us.

"Hey, guysss! Having fun?" Arin teased. Ross giggled and Barry made a face he was trying not to laugh.

"Whatcha doiiin?" Ross followed suit and Danny sighed.

"Shut up Ross. And fuck you dicks!" Dan tried to sound made, but his chuckle of embarrassment gave him away. I was busy facing him and was cracking up silently and was red as could be.

"You guys okay here?" Barry asked barely able to keep a straight tone. I looked behind me finally as Dan pulled the blanket tighter around us. All three had a shit eating grin on and I sighed.

"We're um, fine, Barry, just ya know, morning tickle fight?" I couldn't save myself. I looked back at Dan and made a face almost asking how we handle this. Dan shrugged and looked passed me with a laugh.

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