Chapter Ninety-Nine

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I was secretly cheering myself on as the series I had split with Barry had been finished by the time Dan was done. He and Arin decided to clock in some overtime which worked out perfect. I almost, almost was a keyword, forgot about the nerves that had been struck from Ross's lovely conversation. Dan shuffled over to me after grabbing a snack and sat back down where he had before. I leaned back mirroring his sitting style with a grin just content to see him.

"You survive?" Dan nodded to my monitor and I chuckled.

"Indeed I did! You?" I asked teasing him. Dan took a bite of yogurt and pretended to think about it.

"I think I may have pulled something, but not too sure?" Dan's joking had me cracking up understanding that he probably could have with how hard they were laughing. I reached over and pulled Dan's chair to me so I could rest my head on his shoulder. Dan leaned his head on mine while shoveling another bite into his mouth.

"So, are we watching this tonight?" Arin asked shrugged looking to anyone for an answer. I looked around noticing someone had indeed been missing and I felt bad I hadn't noticed yet.

"Where's Suzy?!" I piped up. Arin tilted his head losing that answer for only a moment.

"Oh well she decided to work from home tonight, but I can totally be like 'hey wench' if we still planned on watching that?" Arin shrugged again as we all sort of looked to the other seeing if anyone wanted to detest.

"Well, we could, I mean it's not terribly late correct?" Ross chimed in first as he spun to face Arin.

"It's like ten, dude. I mean I know it's not that long, but really, we've all sort of been staring at screens ya know?" Dan sat up to row himself to a nearby garbage can. He came back in no time to rest an arm over the back of my chair as the discussion continued.

"Eh true, but really we're all sort of used to it." Ross made a good point as well, but I could see Dan not feeling it. He wanted to see it, but at the same time I knew his eyes were tired.

"Lets do this," I came up with a different idea, "why not watch it in the morning? We all can go home and have a lazy night before coming back in and crunching more time before the chaos in what? A week?" I made an unsure face the shrugged as Arin had. Arin nodded slowly seeing that maybe it was okay to just go on home for the night.

"Well, I guess, I mean I'm not detesting to whatever. Though, I'm pretty sure Holly would like to be here so alright." Ross then clicked off all his windows and I saved all my work. Dan had gotten up to snag his jacket and stood over me waiting for me to finish up.

"Cool, so what time in the morning then?" Arin came over and folded his arms casually. I noticed everyone was sort of letting me have the floor and I tried not to freeze up as bad.

"Uh, like, 10 am? Think that's fine? Maybe have lunch after?" I sounded smaller as I spoke. Dan smiled and looked to Arin whom seemed to like that.

"It's settled then, we're here at 10 tomorrow, um, Ross?" Arin looked over making a point to call him out. "Please try and sleep okay? Agin 10, IN THE MORNING! Got it?" Arin laughed as Ross huffed then flipped him off.

"Why yes Arin, I shall be here!" Ross's attitude went out the door with him as he left. Arin turned back to me as Barry walked up.

"So did I see it right?" Barry teased and I smiled proud.

"Yup! My half of the series is done!" I high-fived Barry and Arin even. Dan ruffled my hair causing another squeak from me.

"D'aww, she's like a mouse!" Barry teased more. Dan waited for me to stand before cacooning me into his arms and burying his face into my hair.

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