Chapter Twelve

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Everyone ate until they were stuffed. I was leaned on a full Dan and letting food settle. Ross was back on his phone and Barry was discussing game ideas with Arin. I felt fingers through my hair softly and looked to see the culprit. Dan smiled sweetly and rested his head on mine. I couldn't help, but sigh. Even if we would have to move soon, I didn't mind for a second to just relax.

"So, uh [Y/N]?" Arin looked from me to Dan.

"Yeah?" I sat forward and Dan's hand fell to running his fingers absent mindedly over my spine.

"What are your plans for the rest of the night?" Suzy smiled beating Arin to his question and I returned a smile back.

"Honestly, packing up and heading home, I guess. I don't mind late drives." I shrugged and felt Dan's hand fall away. Arin shifted and pointed between them all.

"Would you wanna check out of your room tonight and come have a movie night with us? It's sort of our tradition to watch something and make a butt-ton of popcorn!" Arin's offer was nice. I felt Dan looking at me waiting on an answer. I pondered it for a moment.

"Well I mean what about the morning, and where am I crashing?" I had to know if Dan was going to offer me to sleep with him. Arin grinned devilishly.

"You'll be sleeping with Ross. Yes, Ross, because I still have not forgiven you for the joke you made earlier!" Arin chuckled and Suzy shook her head in disgust at the thought.

"May I suggest you aren't being forced to stay?" Dan shrugged and I looked up at him. I noticed a worried expression on his face and I nodded slowly telling him I knew.

"I suppose I can come watch movies, you guys are actually awesome to spend time with I can't lie!" I smiled at the Grumps and heard Dan sigh. I glanced back to his face that was slowly losing his warm expression. It was fading into a deep thought and I planned to ask him when we went back. Arin nodded excitedly and Suzy seemed pleased as well. Barry grinned and nodded to me.

"We try to not be boring, though sometimes we have days where that's just how it goes!" Barry piped up. I found that understanding. I don't blame them for how hard they worked. I grinned and agreed with him. Arin nodded as well and sighed looked around.

"Ever notice our checks are missing?" Arin shrugged and Dan looked up to scope out to see if he could see our waitress. I looked as well and spotted her.

"There she is, poor woman!" I laughed as Arin grinned. He watched Dan not even notice and cleared his throat. Dan was staring at his phone for a second and then looked up towards the group's direction. He held it up and I saw the camera on the screen.

"Picture?" He said as his arm outstretched getting everyone, including me in the shot. I scooted a little bit to put room between us. Everyone smiled, and Dan tapped the capture button. He smiled a little at it and showed me. We were all genuinely smiling and you barely see Arin holding a knife in Ross's direction. I pointed and laughed. Dan chuckled as he noticed with me and looked to his best friend.

"Why didn't you do it!?" Dan shoved his phone in Arin's face and Arin cracked up.

"So you could have photo evidence? No way!" Arin showed Ross and Ross made a sad face.

"You wouldn't hurt me, right Arin?" Ross made his eyes go wide.

"Oh no dude, well not here, too many witnesses, come on now!" Arin cheekily smiled at Ross and I giggled. Dan's eyes suddenly looked to the waitress as she approached. I nudged him and he grinned.

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