Chapter Twenty-Three

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I sat on the bed. I believed it was the one room we never toured. It was fine. I liked the silky maroon comforter set. The bed was just as comfy, but smaller. I noticed the plushy carpet and how it was black. The cream walls had a design in them and I made a mental note to have her decorate my place. My clothes and such were in the corner and I scooted over to drag my suitcase onto the bed with me. I zipped it open and felt the bed dip slightly. I glanced to see Dan getting comfortable. He wound up scooting back towards the iron-rod headboard and that too had a cute, but fancy, design to it. With his back up against it finally he folded his hands and watched me carefully.

"How nice of a place are we talking?" I started trying to get a feel what to dress into. Dan shrugged and I became confused. "What's wrong?" I figured I'd ask. Dan rolled his eyes and held his arms for me to come to him. I set down a shirt that I thought about wearing and crawled over to him. He snuggled into my side and hummed softly. I thought for a moment how funny it was. He towered over me, and yet, here he was, placed just fine with his head on my shoulder and our legs tangled. His arms held me tight to him. I rested an arm behind him so I could run fingers through his hair. It was in need of a wash, but I wasn't content enough to never say anything. His stubble was tickling my neck, but I focused on his hair more so I wouldn't ruin this. I sighed and relaxed finally and Dan inhaled to clear his throat.

"Am I needy?" Dan asked quietly. I tried to look at him but he snuggled his face into the crook of my neck.

"No, baby, I just know you care bunches. Where did you get that idea?" I wondered if Arin may have mentioned it or something.

"I just, I was making sure? I know I totally freaked out when I finally seen you and that, thing. Fuck I was so scared. Even if she totally had no weapon, the fear of someone pretty much taking you like that, just, I was so goddamn worried. It was more than me sideswiping you, spilling water, and almost running you over cause I wasn't paying attention. Like it could have been life or death if she was willing to go that far. I'm sorry, I'm sensitive right now." Dan whined and I sort of thought about his on and off screen façade. Right now he was himself. I loved both parts clearly and would never ask him to change either.

"You shouldn't be sorry, yes I know you are trying to blame yourself still, but Danny," I finally successfully shifted to him and he looked into my eyes," we had no idea this was going to happen. No one is at fault but Psycho the Creepy Fangirl. She chose every step and I, for my safety, and our privacy, did my best to protect it." Dan smiled warmly and nodded. I returned a smile and watched some color come back into his cheeks.

"You're right, [Y/N]. I'm again sorry all the chaos that has happened to you because of me. I mean give me that. Please?" Dan had a point, but he wasn't going to be constantly blaming himself.

"In some ways. Yet, can we not blame anything else on anyone else? I'd like to kinda move on and enjoy us finally?" I shrugged and Dan sighed happily.

"Deal." He said softly. I felt his hand pull me towards him and our lips connected softly. I felt more electricity and some heat wash over myself. I deepened his kiss and he welcomed my suggestion. It was a nice feeling to be alone and relax and just share a moment together. Dan's tongue requested entrance again and he massaged mine this time instead of us fighting for it. I moaned slightly as things heated further. Hands began wandering and I was soon underneath a whole lot of Jew. Dan's hair engulfed my sights around me and all I had now was his gorgeous face to see. I felt his warm hands work up to my chest as he slipped one under my bra and began to massage one breast. I inhaled loudly and Dan hummed in response. "You're beautiful baby, do you know that?" Dan said breathlessly and it rolled passed his lips smoothly. I smiled and grazed my nails from underneath his shirt on his chest, to where my arms wrapped around his neck. A throaty happy noise rose from him and I closed my eyes slowly just enjoying this more.

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