Chapter Sixty-Two

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****Dan's POV****

"Come on Arin, you totally watched her do the stupid stairs the other day, man!" I was so over hearing how I just carried [Y/N] everywhere. Arin, I believe, was the only one who could get away with it anymore. I remember coming back the day Shannon had called and before I even got through the door Arin couldn't believe I had succeeded in getting [Y/N] back to my place without stirring her. Personally, I found it my best achievement with her so far. I mean, besides thankfully winning her back.

"Dude, are you serious? I never seen her use them bitches!" Arin mocked me and I rolled my eyes but still chuckled. His attempt to be oblivious was less than subtle. I sighed as I glanced to Mark whom seemed confused. I could have swore I told him about this peeve of Arin's.

"She followed Danny up the stairs earlier though!" Mark came to my rescue, or attempted. Arin shook his head and I knew that stubborn bastard was gonna deny his ass off.

"I didn't see shit!" Arin proved me right once more. Mark scoffed then looked to me like he couldn't believe that guy.

"Is he serious?" Mark chuckled. I nodded slowly as Arin snickered to himself like he was on to something.

"Dude, I promise, she can walk, has walked, and will walk. I," I looked to Arin for emphasis, "promise, I do not carry her all the fucking time!" I defended myself. I hadn't noticed I got loud until a hand still on my chest flinched. I tried to keep cool as I calmly made myself not shoot my eyes to that angelic face. Her hair was infront of it now, and I gently pulled it back so I could see her better. She nuzzled my side and I smiled like the pathetic twat I am. Mark hummed towards my way causing me to glance at him.

"Are you positive she is like done for?" Mark asked with this weird look. I kissed [Y/N]'s forehead and smiled at him with a nod.

"Oh yeah, as long as I hold her, she's fine." I explained. Mark scooted closer and I waited for him to say whatever it was he needed.

"How ya gonna do it?" Mark asked vaguely. I cocked an eyebrow before noticing Mark was asking what Kevin was asking earlier. Just Kevin was an idiot about it and I wasn't going to tell him I hadn't had a ring, but knew what I was aiming to totally do.

"I um, well, sorta, wanted to do it at a convention." I shrugged. Ross cocked an eyebrow at me, Kevin I saw start wondering about it, Barry made an unsure face and I heard Arin make a noise. My head went to my main man first to begin the debate. Geeze was it that bad?

"So, you go through all these lengths to hide her identity pretty much from Netflix whore, but want to publicly propose to her in front of about a thousand strangers?" Arin was summing up what I said. I nodded, but knew I was having to explain.

"Okay, well, yeah. I mean how like off of me to do? She probably expects it to be over dinner or here or like in bed!" We all chuckled over that theory. I sighed with a smile before glancing back to her then making my way around the room. "I say, at PAX east, we do the show, in the middle have her come out, dude you can present her with her grump head as a distraction as I grab the ring from backstage. I can come out and have her turn to me and BAM on one knee!" I felt like I was selling my own proposal to a bunch of businessmen. Mark nodded with something to add it seemed.

"What if, well, are we doing Smash?" Mark asked Arin and I. We looked to the other and shrugged.

"We could, why?" Arin shook his head like it was no big deal. Mark's smile was devious. The man did have something.

"Hi there, I am actually the announcer, and I can help ya Danny!" Mark chuckled. I thought about this and wasn't quite getting it.

"Go on." I encouraged him. He almost bounced out of excitement and I almost enjoyed him seeming into it.

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