Chapter Eighty-Eight

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I stepped passed him into the newly reset living room and turned around a few times just in shock. Danny had a seriously confused look as he stepped behind a love seat. He let his hand drag on the top of it while looking down the hall.

"If this is done, are other rooms done?" Dan muttered as he trekked down the hall. I wandered to the kitchen and dining area. I stopped seeing that the table was gone already. I blinked at the awkward empty space until I heard Dan come find me. "Okay so the bedrooms are still the sa-HAVE WE BEEN HALF ASSED ROBBED WHERE'S OUR TABLE?!" Dan shot his head my way and I was still blinking at it silently. I thought about how long it could have taken to do all this. I then noticed other things.

"Dan. Someone cleaned. Like rearranged and fucking scrubbed, I'm scared to know what has happened here while we were gone." I mentioned it softly as Dan leaned on the counter. He was looking down shaking his head and shrugging.

"I noticed, but now I really notice. It was what, two days? How in the hell could they do all this in two fucking days?!" Dan pushed off the counter and walked back into the living room. I looked over as his tall, lanky, self decided to stop in the doorway to rest his hands on his hips and shake his head more.

"Hey when you went in the rooms, did you pop on a light?" I asked curious. Dan just turned his head and looked behind him.

"Well no, I mean I sorta glanced and everything seemed in place, why?" Danny then half turned towards the hall and I. I stepped passed him and headed for the bedroom. Danny was right behind me as I opened the door and flipped on his light. The room brightened and I couldn't stop my jaw from dropping. What once was wreckage trying to be placed back, was replaced, cleaned, and as I looked to the bed I backed into Danny. We both inhaled sharply as we examined the newly made bed.

"S-Someone bought you knew bedding Danny." I muttered. Dan's hands gently pushed my shoulders forward so he could come in more. He sidestepped to the bed and felt the fabric. It was very earthy of a green and brown. The swirls on it had a hint of blue as well. The newly bought pillows matched as Dan poked a few and made a face. I stepped to the decorative pillows as well and saw that the nightstands were redone. What were once old, ragged, and worn down pieces of whatever wood, now were sanded, repainted, and matching the bed legit nightstands. I spun to that his dressers stayed and yet had been cleaned as well.

"Did you like, make a call while I was somewhere?" Dan asked me as I walked up to the newly framed art that had been redone. I stepped back after noticing the repairs on them as well. I spun back to see Dan looking worried a bit.

"No, baby, I swear I wouldn't have done this without your consent." I spoke softly as I gestured around the room. Dan shook his head, this being his common thing of the moment. I noticed as he sat down that I had missed something on the night stand. "Dan, look, hun!" I pointed quickly to a card on the top just hanging out.

"The fuck?" Dan snatched it up. I sat by him on the admittedly comfortable new set as he read aloud. "Dear Danny and [Y/N], it is our awesome pleasure to welcome you both back HOME from a safe trip. Please excuse the newer look for the bed, redone living space, and area to finally bring in the table you requested. I recruited Ross and Kev to help out, and with much bribery and well, beer, they happily complied. I left also a space hearing about some couch or whatever for you to move in as well. We all love you guys and hope you enjoy this small surprise. Welcome Back Guys!" Danny and I were leaning on the other cheesing. I sniffled back a couple happy tears while seeing Dan wipe his eyes as well. I hugged Dan's side and we both chuckled lightly.

"I should make a dinner for them soon." I said as Dan nodded in agreement.

"Totally, this was super amazing of him! Fuck, man, just, damn!" Dan laughed with me as he spoke for the two of us. I stood up and straightened out where Dan and I had slightly wrinkled the new set. Dan pulled me to him and we swayed just holding the other.

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