Chapter Fifteen

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"Hey babe, how's it goin?" Suzy sounded like she was trying to be careful. She nodded a couple times as I heard Arin's muffled voice. She made a couple faces that smiled and then a few as time went on. "No, she understands. We talked. You're not gonna believe this." She had to cut Arin off to talk. He sounded like he got louder. "Well she's still coming, so no worries there. I know you wanted to show her some stuff." She smiled again and held a finger up for me to wait a moment. I nodded and let her talk. "Babe! Its fine, he's gonna freak out! Let him freak out, once he sees her he'll shut up!" I got a hint that Dan probably scared himself again. Suzy rolled her eyes and sighed. "NO ARIN! SHUT UP!" she laughed loudly and I was so lost by now it wasn't funny. In that moment my phone went off. I looked over at it and recognized it was a text. I inhaled shakily and walk towards it. I heard Suzy yell behind me, "TAKE DAN'S PHONE! DO NOT LET HIM DO THIS!" she sounded like she was kidding in a sense. I got to my phone and seen the name. I rolled my eyes and grinned.

Hey you, so um, I talked with Arin. I told him of course and I apparently have found the best person for me? I kinda agree, and also I totally miss you already :X xoxo

I smiled wide and jumped over to Suzy who was trying to tell Arin bye. "BABE WE WILL BE RIGHT THERE, AND NO I'M TAKING THE STAIRS AFTER WHAT YOU'VE SAID!" she laughed hard and hung up. I let her have her moment finally to pick at me. I did deserve it. She turned to me more and I held my phone up with the message showing. She read it and looked up at me. I was still grinning and she jumped up off the bed. "I don't, believe it!" she raised her arms in praise! "FINALLY! He totally let his walls down, oh god, we have to go!" She ran over and helped me gather my stuff. I swung open the door and we stopped at the elevator and I felt my breathing hitch.

"This will forever be weird. Anyone asks about him and I and this is what I have!" I laughed in shame and Suzy shook her head.

"I'm trying not to laugh, but seriously, the elevator?! How did he even stop it that long?!" She made a face at me and I was taken aback as well.

"I know he stopped it, like he hit the button to shut it down midway to floor three. Did he possibly time it?" I went left field with my theory. Suzy stopped me and just nodded.

"Who cares, you did it, he said it, and now this is your first date story!" She giggled and I turned red again. I was really gonna have to get used to comments like this.

"You wonder what they said?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, and no. Dan explained everything and I guess he mentioned the 'I love you' and freaked out. Arin said he almost locked him in the bathroom like a nervous puppy." She made a frown face that was exaggerated and I was laughing really hard. This caused her to look at me funny as we stepped on the elevator.

"Sorry, I just, I picture him in a kennel too small for him and cramped up just wailing that Arin was being mean to him. Then Arin laughing manically and squirting him with a bottle of water." I stopped another fit of giggles seeing Suzy nodded and pictured it too well. We reached their floor and I stepped off after her. She linked arms with me again and I smiled.

"Ask me why I do this with you!" She coaxed me.

"Alright, why!?" I said excitedly.

"Because I noticed that when I liked someone I tend to be comfortable doing this. It's strange but hey, nice way to know!" She smiled and I nodded in agreement. We reached the door and I heard Dan on the other side. I went to knock and he flung the door open and froze. Suzy and I looked at the other and back at Dan who was pale. Suzy shrugged and shoved passed him with a chuckle. I stood there and turned my stare back to him. I caught that he was trying to be weird on purpose so I followed. I made my eyes huge and stared hard at him. He leaned his head toward mine and I stepped closer. Still staring dramatically and waiting to see if he would break again. From behind us I heard Arin trying to get his attention.

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