Chapter Thirty-Three

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****Dan's POV***

I knew it would totally knock her out if I continued to keep up the relaxing pace. The rocking, the back rubs, and making sure I was breathing easy since she was against my chest was all one huge comfort zone. I pressed my lips to her forehead as she sighed indicating she was gone. Arin and Suzy looked at me like I was their son, and they totally proud parents. Arin nodded at the sleeping angel in my arms and smiled.

"So uh, Dan, how did it go tonight, really?" Arin asked me curious as always. The guy was like my best friend and I would never trade that. We'd been through so much together on and off the channel that it was insane to think about. His concern for my well-being was that of a brother. I never could find that I think in another friend. We were always making sure the other was still themselves, but yet supporting their decisions as well.

"I was honestly blown away when I stepped in here," I looked to Suzy who was a mom some days, and a sister others, she was amazing and such a hard worker on and off the frontline, "Suze, you did awesome! Like, she matched me so well and I know that wasn't a huge deal, but you do wonders chick! Thank you, and I hope she had fun as well." I smiled down at [Y/N] as she had no idea how much I loved tonight.

"She did actually! I mean yeah she seemed hurt when you walked out, but I told her Ross," Suzy I noticed glanced at Ross whom was never paying attention if it didn't involve him exclusively, "has a thing for being unable to know when a surprise is really one." She explained this and I tried to picture exactly how I looked before blowing up on the guy. I know I didn't say good-bye properly but I didn't also notice in her eyes she probably felt guilty.

"Right, yeah, hey Ross," I tried to get the guy's attention. For once in our friendship I was going to sincerely apologize, and I needed to be sure he was front and center so I totally never had to remind him again. Thankfully he looked up from whatever he does on his phone and looked at me like I startled him.

"Yeah Dan?" he said unsure of what I could possibly say. Not that I'd ever honestly tell him, but passed the doucey tendencies and terrible jokes, Ross was awesome. He had a huge heart that sometimes was bigger than mine I believed.

"I'm-I'm sorry I blew up on you earlier again." I sighed at the dude who kept staring at me like I just spoke to him in Latin, so I tried again, "I'm apologizing fuckhead, did you not understand?!" I figured my usual tone would get him fully focused. He tilted his head and made a gesture for me to speak up.

"I didn't catch that, huh?" he was screwing with me because I could hear the sarcasm running from his obvious question.

"Oh come on man, really? Fine I'll play along. Ross, I, Dan, am sorry for being a total dick to you earlier." I huffed and looked to Arin who was of course finding humor in this. I looked back to Ross who almost had a sincere look on his face. He started to grin his famous idiot grin and I glared at him as always.

"Like how sorry are ya? I mean like is it "never gonna do it again" sorry, or just a "because you actually feel bad for being a dick to me for once" kinda sorry?" He waited for a moment as I let him just have the moment he craved. I counted to like twenty and finally answered the son of a gun.

"It's the "I feel guilty" one, Ross." I said with no intention of looking the part. The hobbit nodded at me and smiled a different smile.

"It's okay, Dan. I mean thanks." He was genuinely meaning this and I partially was scared.

"Don't like hug me or anything, okay? Totally just an apology not a date invite." I loved being able to totally fuck with this guy and he be cool at the end of it all.

"Next date invite anyway is me, because I'm your like main man!" Arin piped up and I laughed. He wasn't lying honestly.

"Duh, I mean you'll always be mah main bro, dude!" I smiled at the big guy. He made a kissy face at me and I returned it with comfort of being just close with him. I went to mention something when a weight was shifting in my arms. [Y/N]'s hand began searching for somewhere to rest and I helped her out. I laid the one she was trying to find a space for on my chest while putting mine on it while stroking the top. She relaxed back into me and I felt her sigh on my neck. I couldn't help but smile at how peaceful and safe I was able to make her. It was very touching to have someone express such joy to be around myself. I looked back up and noticed Suzy taking an interest in us. She was smiling warmly and I smirked bashfully remembering [Y/N] and I were not the only ones in the room still.

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