Chapter Fifty-Four

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"Oh look, the princess still refuses to walk down nine stairs!" Arin joked. Dan, I felt shake his head with a chuckle.

"Honestly I gave her the option, and she wanted me to." I felt Dan shrug as he rubbed my back so I'd look at him.

"Dude, just don't offer!" Arin kept going and I now craned my head to narrow my eyes at him.

"What if I don't feel well?" I shot at him with a giggle. Arin rolled his eyes.

"OH-MY-GOD! Stop the goddamn presses if you get sick! Fuck Dan would like go missing for days!" Arin cracked up with me over it.

"I would not!" Dan defended himself poorly. Arin shook his head and waved a finger at him.

"Bet me! She'd have you waiting on her!" Arin kept kidding around. Dan rolled his eyes.

"Nah, just totally NyQuil her ass and leave!" Dan shrugged now looked for a place to park me.

"Oh wow! Is that the length you'd have to go?" Arin's eyes got big in amazement. He cackled shaking his head. "That's just as bad as not doing anything!"

"Ya know what buddy, I've seen you mope and bitch and totally wish Suze could carry you, okay? I think you're just jealous!" Dan teased. He scooted the smaller blanket out of the way and dipped me down on the couch. I grabbed a pillow and leaned on it on the arm. Arin watched Dan walk back upstairs before turning to me.

"I am not jealous!" Arin now defended himself to me instead of Dan. I looked over with a pity face.

"You really are offended huh?" I giggled. Arin blinked at me with a straight face.

"I think it's bullshit," Arin laughed through his words, "you won't walk down the goddamn fucking stairs!" Arin threw his arms up but still laughed. I cracked up shaking my head.

"Arin! I've done it! I got you guys sustenance! Remember?" I said louder. Arin was about to rage on me because he shut up and just stared at me intensely.

"REALLY?! YOU'RE GONNA TAKE YOUR ONE, SINGLE, TIME, AS AN ACHIEVEMENT!?"Arin laughed but was yelling by this point. I heard Dan come down the stairs faster probably concerned. He blinked over as Arin was shaking his head continuing. "I mean COME ON! You have not gone up and down them pieces of shit-" Arin was suddenly cut off by Dan.

"WHY DOES THIS EVEN MATTER!" Dan screamed but laughed as well. He scooted into the middle of Arin and I and held his up so I could rest my head in his lap. Arin turned to Dan and tilted his head.

"It matters, BECAUSE IT BUGS ME!" Arin shook his head and picked up his controller. Dan giggled at his rage.

"Dude, you get so mad over petty things sometimes, but your rage like makes it seem so much more until it is said again out loud the original idea!" Dan's genuine laugh rang through the basement. Arin huffed as he turned on the Nintendo 64.

"I'll keep going! I don't care!" Arin bobbed his head in a sassy manner as he spoke. Dan chuckled but I noticed he was looking down at me. I glanced up and smiled for a moment before turning my attention back to the tv. His long fingers stroked my hair for a while as Arin waited on Barry to come down and set it up. I snuggled in a way Dan's thigh and felt his body stiffen.

"Uh, babe?" Dan sounded nervous. I managed to turn on my back to face him. Arin looked confused as to why Dan sounded funny.

"What's she doing wrong?" Arin asked now calm but just curious.

"Oh um, I was going to warn her, sometimes watching you do these intense levels, ahaha," Dan giggled but tried to finish, "causes for some strange boners." Dan looked back to me with a guilty look. I nodded for a second understanding him, but then confused.

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