Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I know it's really late, but let's get this out of the way so Barry and I can get her going," Ross looked to me, "on what she needs to do. Arin, what is going to be this Grumpcade's title card?" Ross waited as Arin nodded and began to think.

"Okay well yeah we do the beat behind it with our jabber and all that. Uh, at one point instead of 8 players just right off the bat, it makes a like growing effect, the like, claw, right? Well it grows and you either have one of us saying 'S-s-super Cc-c-law!!!' or it says it on it. Then um, I guess after it grabs all eight heads and it says in a like 'I can't believe it tone', 'Eight players!!!' and in the back you hear 'WOW' and then it just says the usual end?" Arin inhaled finally and shrugged.

"Best one I like so far, I mean it's simple enough!" Ross nodded and wrote it down. Dan's breathing was evening out and I felt him twitch. I looked to the side to try and see him, but I couldn't. I looked over at Ross and thought for a moment.

"What if it like does what Arin mentioned and I am the one who says "OH WOW!" cause I'm new and it's a new sound?" I shrug and Ross looks at Arin.

"Sounds like someone is getting used to things sooner than they thought huh?" Arin grinned and I blushed a little.

"Maybe, I mean first day not even full one, here! I'm already on the audio!" I laughed and Arin smiled.

"Good, I wanted you to hopefully not freak out because we kinda can't edit you out." Arin warned. I nodded in understanding and heard a snort by my ear. I jumped and Dan popped up like a spring.

"WHA!" Dan looked around panicked and I was trying to not be thrown off of his lap from his scare. Everyone giggled and Dan looked at me trying to figure out what was going on and noticed I was clinging to the couch. He frowned and readjusted so I could sit back to where I was again. "Sorry guys, I must have dozed. Totally didn't mean to scare you, [Y/N]." Dan looked disappointed in himself and I kissed his cheek.

"You're fine. We were just talking about the eight player intro." I watched Dan look around and take note who was all just sitting around. He cocked an eyebrow and looked at Arin.

"Where's Kev?" he asked confused.

"Oh he is getting started on editing our matches. We've agreed to edit through the night." Barry answered. Danny looked at me and frowned.

"Guess you're gonna be busy huh?" Dan wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled into me. I hugged his neck and nodded.

"Just one night. No worries?" I watched him look up at me and I heard him chuckle.

"You're going to be busy all night, eventually you need sleep, dear." He tried to let me get it.

"Okay, and I'll sleep when I can?" I said cautiously. Dan sighed finally with a smirk.

"Baby, you're gonna sleep for a long time, and tomorrow we talked about dinner and such." Dan shrugged and brushed it off when it could have been an argument.

"I'll set an alarm!" I smiled and he smiled back sweetly.

"Honey it's okay! I'm totally aware of how tired you will be! Sleep, please!" Dan was being understanding and kissed my cheek. I blushed and the entire room just awed in a sick fashion.

"Danny, you're so sweet! [Y/N], you're a lucky woman to have an understanding man!" Suzy gushed. Dan nodded confidently and I narrowed my eyes.

"Alright enough of Dan being all Romeo guy here, back to matters at hand!" Arin spoke up and Dan cleared his throat and tried to look as serious as possible. Arin caught on and shook his head.

"Arin, I really, really wanna get down to business, right now." Dan said in a sinister tone.

"Dan, s-s-top!" Arin started to laugh. He caught himself and looked away. Dan tapped me to get up and he held up a finger that said he be right back. He scurried into the kitchen and we heard him getting a glass of water. Arin facepalmed and groaned with a grin. He knew something we all didn't and I was scared. Dan returned with a little pep in his step and sat back down.

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