Chapter Ninety-Four

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Danny had asked me to wait for him, but I insisted on hearing how he did this. Danny walked up casually back to where Gina had been and looked to her. She was waiting on a customer and asked that he held on a moment. She glanced to something and I watched her face look at me with a frown almost. Dan folded his arms and went to go lean against the case we had found our rings.

"Please don't yell." I quietly begged. Dan raised an eyebrow and I continued begging in expression. Dan's expression to me grew soft letting me know he wouldn't cause a scene. Gina reached us and I saw her know just by her face that she understood why he had returned.

"Gina, look, I know you're a fan, and I appreciated the service given to us. But," Dan slid the small piece of paper to her, "this made me uncomfortable. It made my girlfriend, whom I care about dearly, upset, and I know I said I'd be back to do more business with you but unfortunately I totally can't do that. We'll still be picking up our promise rings and I just hope that you understand that what you did was disrespectful. Not just to me, but to her." Dan gestured to me and I watched her nod a few times as Dan spoke. He made the complaint personal, and worded it to where she'd have to understand. Gina looked to me and to Dan before clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry, guys. Dan you're right, I don't know why I even did it. I thought it was still like how you've described it." Gina was growing antsy realizing Dan had changed as was indeed not the free-man-whore he joked about.

"Yeah, it totally isn't. I am devoted to one super amazing woman whom I love, and I am very happy with her. I thought you understood that but it's cool. You aren't the first." Dan shrugged but the way he talked it came out indifferent enough that you could hear the sarcasm in it. Gina nodded more and looked to me.

"I apologize that I was so dumb and made that choice. I don't blame you not forgiving a stranger." Gina looked down and shrugged.

"He's right, you aren't the first, and I do forgive you. You are however, the first to say you're sorry. Even if Dan had to help you out." I casually stepped back took Dan's hand. Gina smiled a little thanking me for at least telling her. "We'll be back in a bit." I said again casually. Dan nodded to her and left the paper in front of her. We headed back in the same direction quiet for a bit before a GameStop appeared.

"Babe?" Dan turned to me before going in. His arms pulled me close and I held his face in my hands.

"What Danny?" I asked looking into his eyes. Dan lowered his lips to mine and kissed me lovingly. When he pulled back his left hand held my right and I watched him look to my ring finger then back to me.

"Please don't break it." Dan said softly with pleading eyes as he kissed my ring finger. I sniffled getting it as he placed my hand on his heart stroking it still with his thumb. I inhaled slowly letting my emotions level out as I looked from our hands to Dan's eyes again. He looked like he could break down if I didn't respond soon.

"I'm right here baby. I would never break it. I couldn't. I'm sorry. I didn't know how to explain it any better. I swear I love you so much, I didn't mean at all to scare you." I shook my head slow feeling bad that I had Dan on edge. Danny nodded and pulled me back to him.

"I need you, here. It's not a want anymore momma, it is a fucking need, please just tell me you're totally here all the way, please just say it one more time for me." Dan begged into my hair and I reached up to cradle his face again. Dan and I hadn't care much for others around us seeing as how now he was the one having a moment in public.

"I need you too baby. I need all of you, and I'm all yours, right here. Okay? I love you, Hubby, my hubby!" I wound up making myself smile and Dan smile a little. I 'wifey' kissed Dan a couple times and whispered 'I love you' to him between them. Danny eventually inhaled calming down and hugging me tight.

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