Chapter Ninety-Eight

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Dan and I sat in a silence for a moment before he grazed my cheek with his knuckles. I sighed into him still a smidgen embarrassed I had sounded strange in replying about something I actually was excited for when I thought about it.

"Hey, look at me, talk to me. What's the matter?" Dan asked resting his cheek on my forehead. I sighed not sure how to explain. All I knew was that he was going to tell me it was fine and that he has said shit before and I had to get over it.

"I didn't mean to sound like that." I mumbled feeling a little upset that I did make a fool of myself. Dan hugged me to him and kissed my forehead.

"It's gonna be fine. Arin saved it. I figured that's what it was." Dan's soft tone had me slowly trying to at least relax physically.

"I know he did, and I'm grateful, but that's now how I felt about it." I kept messing with his ring as I spoke. Dan shifted to look at me better which caused me to finally look up at him.

"Oh no? How do you feel then? I guess I should apologize for springing it like that on you." Dan frowned a little and I shook my head. I waved off his apology as I responded.

"No no, no sorry's. You were meaning to be fun and I froze cause I was center of attention and that's not my deal. No honestly, I am kinda excited being up there with you." I smiled a little letting myself actually feel excited. Dan smiled liking that at least it was just the moment and not the entire idea.

"Well I feel better, god, you turned so white and I was like in my head going 'oh fuck, this was totally not a good idea,' but okay, good, cause I'm excited to have you up there as well!" Dan chuckled as I made a strange face. I knew he was better at not hiding or anything, but I knew he still liked some privacy. "What? Why are you still looking lost on this?" Dan booped my nose with his causing my expression to break into a warm smile.

"Well, the look was for the fact that you've seemed to be doing extremely well with us going more and more public. This is like the final plunge! You've already done posted updates and stuff of us!" I nudged him when he blushed remembering he had indeed been getting freer with his content.

"Indeed I have huh? Seems as though maybe it's not so bad sharing you a little more often." Dan admitted this to me and I blinked a little surprised that he did go there.

"Wow, really? So you're just suddenly okay? What happened to my Daniel?!" I teased him for once and grabbed his face up as he giggled to me. Dan grabbed my face as well and rested his forehead on mine.

"I'm right here, beautiful." Dan whispered with a smile. I smiled back and watched him bite his lip before continuing. "Still want to have fun alone?" Dan's hinting was sort of adorable once I thought about it. I giggled knowing it could go two ways.

"Depends," I whispered back, "here, or home you mean?" I hinted back and watched him cock an eyebrow.

"Are you? Are you asking if we could, here?" Dan's whispering faulted on the last word. I bit my own lip but had to let it go due to the dark smile that crept onto my face.

"Maybe?" I didn't want to give a definite, criminating, answer. Dan's breathing hitched as he thought about this. He was searching my face for any sign of joking and I knew he'd find none. I slowly let myself close the space between us to kiss him when frantic whispers started flying from Dan.

"Babe, babe, s-stop for a sec, babe!" Dan snapped me back to earth for a sec. I blinked listening then. "I'm not saying no, okay? But you do realize that that is one of our riskier ideas yet. Do you know how upset Arin would be? I mean come on I bet him and Suzy don't even do this!" Dan's quiet panicking had me let go to look out to the office space. Barry and Arin were going over something, Kevin was still working, and Ross who I had no idea even came back was at his pc as well. Dan I saw looking as well before turning back to me.

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